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Aussie Rules Espresso

We’ve spent a lot of time since last summer talking about the whole murky coffee/espresso on ice brouhaha,   but while that has died down, a new battle is brewing, this one in Australia. Here […]

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White is the new black?

A quick little story out of the UK today, it seems that according to reporting in the Independent the fastest growing drink segment in cafés is a 6-8oz cup with 2-3 shots and a little […]

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Dance, Monkey! Dance!

Our old friend, and chairman of the USBC, Nick Cho, recently had an op-ed in the Washington Post writing about his reaction to Starbuck’s not-a-Starbucks café in Seattle. He writes: So some people might assume […]

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Six grand and go

Here’s a story from CNN today about a woman in Boston, Lucy Valena, who just opened her own coffee company, Voltage Coffee, a mobile espresso catering gig, with $2,000 of her own money and a […]

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Wait… What's Your Name Again?

Have you ever spent years working your way up in the mob after having been sent undercover as a rat into the police academy? Or vice versa? I know these things happen to Matt Damon […]

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On the Streets of Philadelphia…

Over at his blog, Jay Caragay has an interesting report on a coffee crawl he recently had through the City of Brotherly Love. No mention of a cheesestake or the Liberty Bell not even the […]

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So long murky coffee…

So I saw on murky coffee’s blog that Nick has closed the shop. Yesterday was its final day. I tried to post a comment, but due to some technical issues on my end I guess, […]

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Recession Busting (Stateside version)

Ok, so we’ve had a couple posts in recent weeks about coffee shops in our northern neighbor, Canada, opening amidst tough economic times, and now we’ve got one a little closer to home.   This […]

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Oh, Canada!

So President Obama made his first official visit to a foreign country today, choosing as his first stop Ottawa, seat of government for the country which shares with the US of A the longest unarmed […]