Cafe Imports is on fire! Not only does the renowned green coffee importer support barista champions in an unprecedented way ”sending all U.S. Regional Champs, the U.S. Champ, and the World Barista Champ to origin with Cafe Imports educators ”but the company is committed to providing whatever other care their clients need.

The Minneapolis-based company ”which is known for sourcing some of the best coffees in all sizes of lots in the world, for top indie roasters like MadCap, Verve, Kaldi’s, Dogwood, and others ”has just announced that they will open a training center called the MPLS Coffee Mill which “is a place where coffee professionals can come to refine their knowledge and skills. It is an interactive, hands-on learning and coffee centered workspace. This space is outfitted with some of the latest and greatest coffee equipment for training and education, and we will be holding classes throughout the year in the space including our own educational content and Q certifications.”

It really was the natural next step for this company that provides coffee to some of the world’s best roasters. One thing we’re especially excited to hear is that Cafe Imports will be offering a three-day coffee educational workshop called “Source, Craft, and Serve.” The programming will be:

1. Josh Taves @coffeeuphigh, Dogwood Coffee Co: Colombia ACES, Finca Miranda by Elsias Munoz
2. Pete Licata @petelicata, Parisi Coffee: Colombia Finca Primavera by Arnulfo Leguizamo
3. Stacey Kock @s_kock, Verve Coffee: Colombia Finca El Faldon by Arnulfo Leguizamo
4. Jasper Wilde, Verve Coffee: Colombia Associacîon Los Naranjos, Group Producer Lot
5. Nick Purvis @nickpurvis, The French Press (Verve Coffee): Streetlevel Espresso (50% Colombia Associacîon Los Naranjos)
6. Jacque Desmarais @JacqueDesMarais, Kaldis Coffee: Colombia Finca El Diviso by Jose Jordani
7. Brian Gelletly @bpgel, Ultimo Coffee (Counter Culture): Bolivia, CENAPROC D’Montana
Brewers Cup:
1. Andrew Tucker-Macleod @humandroid, Batdorf and Bronson Coffee Roasters: Kenya Kaya AA Kiriti
(Pssst! I stole this list from Cafe Imports’ blog — check it out for more info about this awesome importing company!)