
Stumptown and the Trail Blazers Chris McGowan

Trail Blazers President Chris McGowan visits Stumptown Coffee Roasters At long last, the Portland Trail Blazers return to the court tonight for their first pre-season game of the 2015-2016 National Basketball Association season. The roster […]

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Now that's an art show!

Yes, many cafés have rotating art shows decorating their walls, but this one is really something else. Ok, so a lot of you aren’t necessarily Portland Trail Blazer fans or even sports fans, but I […]

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Now that’s an art show!

Yes, many cafés have rotating art shows decorating their walls, but this one is really something else. Ok, so a lot of you aren’t necessarily Portland Trail Blazer fans or even sports fans, but I […]

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And in other news…

We’re having a great time here in Atlanta at another amazing WBC, but I couldn’t let this moment pass without noting it. So Barista Magazine just turned four. And the Portland Trail Blazers after six […]

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Who Are You? Typealyzer Knows

Ok, this is pretty cool though not very coffee related. In a move sure to further our planet’s slide toward a more Tron-like future, the new website Typealyzer reads your blog and determines your personality […]

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Schultz Sues to Keep Sonics in Seattle

Ok, so this isn’t exactly coffee news, however, it’s important to note when Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz does something right, and it looks like he’s in the midst of doing just that according to this […]

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Barista Magazine

What's next for Barista Magazine?

Well, it’s been a big week here in Portland, the mighty Portland Trail Blazers have won six games in a row! The first time that’s happened since 2002. Here’s Brandon Roy, 2007 Rookie of the […]

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Good Grief

All right, it’s not so much that I’m against Christmas (no matter what Bill O’Rielly might want you to believe.) In fact, I think Christmas is pretty great. I love hanging out with my family […]