We’ve arrived in Gothenburg and checked in to our hotel. Already run into Jens Norgaard of Café Europa and one of the organizers of the event and David Latourelle from Clover. We’ll be popping over to see the competition site in just a minute.

This town is very cool. It’s very charming and picturesque with loads of pedestrian streets, little shops and cafés in the downtown area. The forecast calls for rain, but so far though there have been some threatening clouds, we’ve been lucky and had pretty nice weather.
Also in town this weekend is Sweden versus the USA in Davis Cup tennis action. I’m sure my father, Bruce, who many people met in at the WBC will be disappointed to not be on this trip too since not only does he love tennis, but he’s a bit of a car nut too and Gothenburg is also home of Volvo and has a museum dedicated to the automaker. Sorry, pop, but hey wasn’t Tokyo nice?
More from the competition site to come soon. Hit your refresh button often!
I don’t remember an invitation to NBC this year. Tennis and Volvos…..you really know how to tease the old man! Have a great visit and take lots of pictures. Dad