WBC Semifinalist #12: Daniel Mendez, El Salvador

Daniel Mendez had something of a special trainer: as he hails from the same company as 2011 WBC Champ Alejandro Mendez, Alejandro was his coach. And the expertise Alejandro used to win the WBC in 2011 certainly helped his friend, Daniel, who delivered a rock’n’roll performance of coffee excellence in today’s semifinals round.

Daniel depulping coffee on stage.

Daniel began by hand depulping coffee cherry ”that’s right: he brought a depulper all the way from El Salvador, along with ripe coffee cherry, and depulped them on stage. His coffee, which he picked himself at Finca Santa Patrone, was said to have a dark chocolate finish. But Daniel didn’t use chocolate in his drink ”no, the sig beverage was all about the actual coffee. He used the freshly pulped cascara in a siphon to get the essence out, then measured the juice from the cascara in a VST Refractometer.

He used the VST Refractometer to show how high the sugar content was in the cherries he used.

He added sugar and cascara juice to small burners in front of each judge, heated them, and that was the base of his signature drink.

Daniel Mendez of El Salvador

Truly it was a dazzling performance.

Time: 14.48

About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the post and great coverage of the 2012 WBC! I would only like to make one tiny correction on your post of Daniel’s performance: he used a refractometer engineered soecifically for measuring sugar content, very similar appearance to the VST but not the same.

    Love your work…keep up the FANTASTIC support of the barista community an specialty coffee!

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