Vail Mountain Coffee Teams with Colorado Nonprofit to Benefit Cancer Fighters

This is one of those warm-your-heart stories that makes the holiday season wonderful: there’s a nonprofit in Denver called First Descents which is all about providing young adults who are surviving and fighting cancer ”regardless of physical challenges, diagnosis, or prognosis ”with outdoor adventure opportunities. The goal is to give them a chance for adventure, an opportunity to build confidence and strength, and to have some serious fun.
A First Descents surf trip for cancer fighters, which partnered with Vail Mountain Coffee and Tea to raise money for future trips.  œI was fortunate enough to witness a First Descents program in action in 2006,  says Vail Mountain Coffee and Tea Co. director of marketing, Jaimie Healey, in a press release.  œWatching fear turn into fearlessness was so impactful, and I vowed that if I was ever in a position to help this organization I would. When I brought the idea to (Vail) owners Chris Chantler and Craig Arsenau, they didn't even blink before they said,  ˜Let's do it!' 
A First Descents surf trip for cancer fighters, which partnered with Vail Mountain Coffee and Tea to raise money for future trips. œI was fortunate enough to witness a First Descents program in action in 2006,  says Vail Mountain Coffee and Tea Co. director of marketing, Jaimie Healey, in a press release. œWatching fear turn into fearlessness was so impactful, and I vowed that if I was ever in a position to help this organization I would. When I brought the idea to (Vail Mountain Coffee) owners Chris Chantler and Craig Arsenau, they didn’t even blink before they said, ˜Let’s do it!’ 
First Descents aims to provide to these cancer fighters ”and help them provide to the world ”that they are not their cancer. The programs take place all over the world, last a week, and include such sports as kayaking, climbing, and surfing.
Kayakers on a First Descents trip for cancer fighters form a circle of strength.
Kayakers on a First Descents trip for cancer fighters form a circle of strength.
First Descents  has partnered with  Vail Mountain Coffee & Tea Co.  to create three coffee blends as a part of the œOut Living It  series. Fifty-cents for every 12-ounce bag sold, and $1.25 for every five-pound bag sold, goes directly to First Descents.  You can purchase the coffee now via the  First Descents Store  and  site, but it will be available  soon  on as well as Rocky Mountain retailers.
Fifty cents from every 12-ounce bag of coffee, and $1.25 from every five-pound bag of coffee goes directly to First Desents.
Fifty cents from every 12-ounce bag of coffee, and $1.25 from every five-pound bag of coffee goes directly to First Descents.
œVail Mountain Coffee and Tea Company has been a dream partner for us because they truly believe in what we do,  says First Descents director of marketing, Sarah Hubbard, in a press release. œThis product has the ability to grow our audience substantially and increase our ability to serve more participants in the coming year. 
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