Twin Cities Barista Jam!

I’m so heartened to see more specialty coffee importers getting on the pro barista bandwagon. It’s great to see folks all along the coffee chain appreciating and understanding that professional baristas are playing an enormous role in the present and future of our industry. I’ve said it so many times, but it just makes me think back to when we were first talking about Barista Magazine as a concept in 2004, and so many nonbelievers said, A magazine for baristas? But they’re just college kids making lattes for beer money. You have proved them wrong, my friends, that’s all I can say.

So anyway (climbing down off soapbox), Cafe Imports is hosting a big ole, bad ass barista jam, and we think you should go! It’s being held in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Saturday, August 29. And guess what? It’s FREE! You just have to make sure to register by August 25. And get there.

twin cities minnesota

The jam, which is being organized by Cafe Imports‘ Quality Control Manager, Jamin Haddox, and Intern, Piero Cristiani, is gonna be totally rad! Jamin’s doing a cupping session called “Exploring Coffee Terroir,” and Andrew Kopplin of Kopplin’s Coffee is teaching a “Fundamentals of Espresso” class. Gina Palandri of Espresso Partners will offer a class on espresso machine maintenance and cleaning, and former United States Barista Championship finalist Peter Middlecamp of Black Sheep Coffee Cafe will teach a class on latte art and milk texturing. So awesome! There will be plenty of Open Bar time, where attendees can mingle, play on different machines and taste a whole bunch of different coffees.

PLUS, the nice folks at Cafe Imports are even throwing in dinner and local microbrews! It’s kind of like, if your schedule allows it, and you can get yourself to St. Paul for the day, it would be dumb NOT to go! This is just a fun, educational, social day designed to promote and develop the barista community in the area, and further great coffee makin’. Thanks, Cafe Imports! For more info on the jam, and to register, go HERE.

About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.