This Is How The World Changes


Once upon a time, this little village in Nicaragua had no phone lines, no internet, and no way to reach the outside world. Meanwhile across the globe, in Sweden, a group of dedicated coffee professionals gathered for a fun time. To be together, act together and learn together in their words. And in doing so, they managed to change the world forever for at least the children in this little Nicaraguan village, Pueblo Nuevo.


You see, for a fund raiser, the Nordic baristas sold coffee to the people of Gothenburg, Sweden, and they gave that money to the Nicaraguan coffee council. The council in turn found the school, and soon, the school was installing a satellite dish and with it phone lines, computers, a fax machine, and internet access. In fact, the Nordic baristas raised so much money, that the school had more than enough for the communications upgrade and gave the extra funds to another school so that it too could connect to the international community.


Today, we were lucky enough to visit the school at Pueblo Nuevo and see firsthand the grand opening of the school’s new communications center.
It was in a word: cool.


To celebrate, the school’s community invited the NBC tour to come and see the school, share coffee, and watch the kids smash a Superman pinata.


And that’s how at least this part of the world changed by the actions of some people very far away. This was a very good day.

About baristamagazine 2192 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.

1 Comment

  1. It just feels so good too see the good things
    we did during the NBC and it is really nice to
    see that we could help more than one school.

    have a nice trip

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