Regional Barista Comp Dates Released!

We’re so excited to hear from Marcus at the Specialty Coffee Association of America that the dates for four of the six 2012 Regional Barista Competitions have been released! They are as follows…


Northwest Regional Barista Competition, hosted by Dillanos Coffee Roasters

Tacoma, Washington

(Judges training Jan. 26; Competition Jan. 27-29)



Southeast Regional Barista Competition, hosted by TBD

Atlanta, Georgia

(Judges training Feb. 9; Competition Feb. 10-11)



Northeast Regional Barista Competition, hosted by Dallis Bros. Coffee Roasters

New York, New York

(Judges training Feb. 24; Competition Feb. 25-26)


MARCH 8-11

Southwest Regional Barista Competition, hosted by Verve Coffee Roasters

Santa Cruz, California

(Judges training March 8; Competition March 9-11)


Dates for the South Central and North Central Regional Barista Competitions to be released soon. They will take place either late March or early April, according to Marcus.

Stay tuned to the USBC website,, for more details and registration information.

And a happy 2012 RBC season to us all!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.