Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway – June 12 Edition

Another Wednesday is upon us, so that can only mean one thing! It’s time to play BMag’s Humpday Giveaway where you answer a trivia question, and we give away some great prizes! Woot!

This week we’ve reached into the BMag grab bag of goodies here in the office and picked out a couple of great items to add to your coffee gear collection.

A white, ceramic Hario V60 Dripper can be yours this humpday!
A white, ceramic Hario V60 Dripper can be yours this humpday!

First we have the always popular Hario V60 Dripper in white ceramic. This is, as you know, a fantastic little coffee maker that brews up a tasty cup!

A ceramic cup from Vessel Drinkware is also going to this week's winner!
A ceramic cup from Vessel Drinkware is also going to this week’s winner!

And, we’ll even give you that great cup to drink your coffee out of! Yes, we’re also giving away a white ceramic cup from Vessel Drinkware, and wouldn’t you know it’s perfect for Father’s Day since it features a mustache collection on the side! Of course if you win, you can always keep it for yourself especially if you’re into mustaches.

Ok, so now that you know the prizes, all you need to do next is answer the trivia question.

This week our questions comes from the current issue of Barista Magazine, June + July 2013. In Miro Lomeli’s Field Report on his trip to Honduras for his coffee company, The Ugly Mug, he describes his experience tasting a ripe coffee cherry picked off the tree for the first time. What does he say the taste reminded him of?

Think you know the answer? Then leave it as a comment below! You must also include your FIRST and LAST names with your answer so we can contact you if you’re the winner! Answers will be accepted through 6:59 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) Thursday, June 13. Everyone who has the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and one lucky person will win this prize pack! Good luck, and get playing! PS – If you haven’t received your hardcopy of the June + July 2013 Issue yet, you can always read it for free online here!

Win these! Enter in the comment section below!
Win these! Enter in the comment section below!
About baristamagazine 2254 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Cactus Pear.

    ***Also known as a “tuna” in Spanish. They are the little colorful “balls” on a cactus pad.tip; they are delicious***

  2. Cactus Pear! I would like to personally experience BOTH of those taste sensations! Gotta love that mug and the Dripper V60! Thanks!

  3. Cactus Pear, that mug makes me want to grow my handlebar mustache back. Awesome!

  4. Cactus pear!!! Sorry my email was wrong on earlier post- damn fat fingers

  5. Cactus Pear, which is rather delicious! I’ve tasted several varietals and the only one that stuck out was a Yellow Bourbon in Guartemala that tasted like Honeydew Melon:)

    Phil Roberts

  6. Cactus Pear.
    If I don’t win the v60, can you still send me a Cactus Pear…for research.

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