Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #40 (November 27, 2013 Edition)

Happy Humpday, everyone! You can hardly call this a typical Humpday ”if you celebrate Thanksgiving, that is, which is tomorrow and will make this a short week for any of us taking the day off (or long weekend off) to celebrate with our friends and family. Ken and I are very thankful this year to our many coffee friends for being faithful readers of Barista Magazine ”we love creating it, and you challenge us all the time to make it better and better for you.

OK, enough with the mushy stuff. Let’s play Humpday Giveaway! Because this is our last Humpday of the Asli Yaman ”October+November 2013 ”issue, as well as being our Thanksgiving Humpday, we have a super fab awesome prize for you this week.

It's Stumptown's Journeyman Brew Kit! Stumptown Coffee has just released four different brew kits, and they're all amazing. They're each targeted toward a different kind of coffee lover.
It’s Stumptown’s Journeyman Brew Kit! Stumptown Coffee has just released four different brew kits, and they’re all amazing. They’re each targeted toward a different kind of coffee lover.

There’s the Voyager, which is a do-it-yourself kit that travels incredibly well and includes a  Snow Peak Coffee Dripper; an  Enamel Mug;  Melitta Filters; a 12-ounce bag of  Hair Bender; a  Carpenter’s Pencil; and a brew guide made specifically for using the tools in the Voyager set. The Voyager sells for $125.

There’s also the Entertainer, which gets the born-party-thrower completely set for holiday ”or anytime ”entertaining. The set includes a  Bonavita Thermal Carafe Brewer; a  Baratza Virtuoso Burr Grinder;  Melitta Filters; a Stumptown  Mug; a 12-ounce bag of  Hair Bender; an AWS Scale; a Carpenter’s Pencil; and a brew guide made specifically for using the Entertainer set. It sells for $420.

The Chemist is a very cool set, too. It includes a  Chemex Glass Handle Coffeemaker;  Chemex Filters; a  Baratza Encore Burr Grinder; a Stumptown  Mug; a 12-ounce bag of  Hair Bender; a  Bonavita Gooseneck Stovetop Kettle; an  AWS Scale; a  Carpenter’s Pencil; and a brew guide to show you how to play with all of those parts of the set. The Chemist costs $225.

Finally, there’s the Journeyman, which one of you lucky Humpday Giveaway players will win tomorrow! The Journeyman includes a white  Bee House Coffee Dripper; a  Hario Skerton Ceramic Coffee Mill;  Melitta Filters; a Stumptown  Mug; a 12-ounce bag of  Hair Bender; a  Bonavita Gooseneck Stovetop Kettle; a  Carpenter’s Pencil; and a brew guide to show the pour-over aficionado how all these pieces work together.

One of you is going to win this amazing brew kit from Stumptown Coffee Roasters this week as the Humpday Giveaway prize!
One of you is going to win this amazing brew kit from Stumptown Coffee Roasters this week as the Humpday Giveaway prize!

Obviously, any of these sets would make a great holiday gift for your favorite coffee lover (or you can put it on your own wish list, duh!).


Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave your answer plus your  FIRST and LAST names, as well as  your country of residence, into the blog comments section.

”Answers may be submitted between 10  a.m. PST on Wednesday, November 27 through 9:59 a.m. PST on Thursday, November 28, 2013.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and  Barista Magazine  will randomly select one name, which will be announced on Thursday, November 21 at 10:30 a.m. PST right here on the  Barista Magazine  blog.

OK, ready to play? Here we go ¦

QUESTION:  Sam Sobolewski writes about how he loves his La Marzocco FB/80. What is the name of the cafe where Sam works, and what city is it in?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below! Unsure? Then check out the issue online for no charge by going  HERE!

Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway!

About baristamagazine 2254 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. He works at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Agnieszka Weisbrot, Poland

  2. Sam works at :
    Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar
    Berkeley, California

    Petros Drazinos,

  3. Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar – located in Berkeley, California.

    Andreas Nielsen

  4. Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, CA.

    Ricardo Pascual
    San Juan, Puerto Rico

  5. Sam Sobolewski works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Donna Robertson, Arkansas, USA

  6. Bartavelle Coffe & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California

    Diana Amina Jiménez Alcedo
    Lima, Perú

  7. It’s Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California

    Samantha Womack, Arizona USA

  8. Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in the handsome ole’ city of Berkeley, CA

    -Kate Gilmore
    Kansas City, MO

  9. Bartavelle coffee and wine bar in Berkeley , word to Bay Area coffee!

    Harold McGovern
    Brooklyn ny USA

  10. Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California, USA
    Gergely Salfai-Kovács

  11. He works at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar, Berkley, CA

    Elisabeth Callahan

    United States

  12. That would be at the lovely Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Siobhan Gottlieb, CA USA
    Barista of Equator Coffees

  13. Sam is the Coffee Director at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkeley, CA.

    Daniel O’Connell
    Ann Arbor, MI // USA

  14. He works at the Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley California.

    Jonathan De Troye, USA.

  15. He works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Ashlei Christian

  16. Sam word at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar, Berkeley, California.

    Scott Stevenson
    Bozeman, Montana
    United States

  17. Sam is the director of coffee at the Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    -Liz Bishop
    Halifax, Canada

  18. Sam works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar Berkeley, California.

    Brian Vaughn
    United States

  19. Sam works at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkley, California!!!


    Nick Brenn

  20. Sam Sabolewski works at the Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkley, CA, U.S.A.

    Adam Muse


  21. Sam slangs coffee at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, CA….Cali represent!!

    Mic Pistol

  22. He works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California. 🙂

    Héctor Caballero

  23. Sam Sabolewski works at the Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkley, CA, U.S.A.

    Kyle Gooch

  24. Sam works at the lovely Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar which is in Berkley, CA.

    Daniel Reppert

  25. Sam Sobolewski works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley California

    Maciej Kamiński
    Poznań, Poland

  26. Sam Sobolewski is the coffee director at the Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, CA. Ive actually been to the place while up in the bay area, rad little shop churning out some amazing product!

    Kenneth Rauen,

    San Diego, CA

  27. Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar
    Berkeley, California

    Thank you, Barista Magazine!
    Ruth Aussenhofer
    Bonn, Germany

  28. Sam works in the Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley,California.

    Lisa Black


  29. Sam works at the Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Robert Willrich (Germany)

  30. He works at Bartavelle Coffee and Wine Bar in Berkeley, CA!

    Ralph DeYear Drogheda, co. Louth IRELAND

  31. Aaahhh, these are dope prizes!!

    Sam works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California

    Whitney MacDonald

  32. Sam Sobolewski works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Siiri Treufeld

  33. He works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley, California.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Kari Guddeck – USA

  34. Bartavelle Coffee and wine bar, Berkely, CA. Thanks B-mag! Jesse Darrow-USA (can’t follow directions 😉 )

  35. Sam works at Bartavelle Coffee & Wine Bar in Berkeley California – Stephanie Aviles, USA

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