I headed over to Sustainable Harvest, a coffee importing company based here in Portland, earlier today to take part in a cupping they were hosting. It’s part of an effort that they’re making to help build and connect with the coffee community around here. They plan on hosting the events every two months or so, and they will bring in coffee growers to talk to people about their coffees. It started off well today with a visit from agronomist and coffee producer Hernando Tapasco from Café Granja La Esperanza from Colombia.

In a unique twist, Hernando and his partners have started growing a number of varieties in Colombia, many of which are very atypical of the country’s famous flavor profile. Hernando brought Red and Yellow Bourbon, a few lots of Geisha, a Mokka, Laurina (which naturally has very low caffeine) and more. It made for a fun and very entertaining cupping table as we constantly found flavors not normally featured in Colombian coffees.

What a great day you had. I would have loved to have been there and get to hear about and experience the different varities they are working with in Columbia. thanks for sharing. Keurig Reviews