Welcome to the February+March 2017 Issue of Barista Magazine!

Our February+March 2017 Issue is Here!

We are so excited, you guys—the February+March 2017 issue of Barista Magazine is out! You can read it online now HERE! You can read it via our free app, HERE! You can wait for the print copy to hit your mailbox, or if you want the print mag but don’t have a subscription, you can order one HERE!

We couldn’t be more thrilled to feature the awesome Colleen Anunu on the cover, with a few of her favorite coffee pals, as dreamed up by illustrator Druscilla Santiago, and superimposed on a gorgeous photo by photographer Mathew Morand. The photo-illustrations continue through the feature article on Colleen, too! But if you think that’s the most exciting part about our interview with Colleen, you’ll soon see it’s just a part of the whole. Having spent her coffee career thus far working as a barista, roaster, educator, green buyer, coffee director, humanitarian, volunteer, gender study evangelist, and now a champion of producer rights in her work with Fair Trade, Colleen has a lot to share about making your mark in specialty coffee and making the work you do count every single day.

In fact, she gave us so much awesome stuff to work with, we didn’t have room for her entire interview in the print magazine—so we’ll be publishing it in full right here at Barista Magazine Online on Friday, February 3, along with some never-before-seen photos. So be sure to check back!

As excited as we are about Colleen, however, we have so much other killer stuff in this issue we can’t wait for you to see!

In this issue…

BASIC BARISTA FITNESSBarista Magazine’s Ashley Rodriguez interviews experts in health and fitness for service professionals, and offers 6 tips for keeping your body strong and healthy on bar.
HIGH MAINTENANCE: YOUR COFFEE EQUIPMENT QUESTIONS ANSWERED—Part “Car Talk,” part “Dear Abby,” this column has been a runaway hit since it debuted in 2016, with witty, intelligent answers to all your most pressing equipment quandaries from longtime service techs Alex Lambert and Jason “Double J” Johnson of Black Rabbit Service Co.
NEW ADVENTURES IN COLD BREW: DECAF—Our regular column on the latest in cold brew continues with a look at cold-brew coffee as decaf, and what that could mean to your cafe’s bottom line.
WHAT RETAIL PRICING SAYS ABOUT YOUR COFFEEAndy Newbom explains how a survey he conducted proves you may be undercharging for some of your best coffees.
—Longtime coffee educator Scott Conary, who owns Carrboro Coffee, travels back to Myanmar to workshop roasting and retailing with eager students.
NEW COLUMN! PATHFINDER: EXPLORING CAREERS IN COFFEEBethany Hargrove of Wrecking Ball Coffee talks about making the transition from barista to roaster.
MASTER Q+A: BETH ANN CASPERSEN—Meister interviews Beth Ann Caspersen of Equal Exchange about her ground-breaking work promoting great coffee in the DR Congo, and helping women producers along the way.
PHOTO ESSAY: MANE—You’ll feel like you were at the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Coffee Conference in Providence, R.I., even if you weren’t, via this photo essay about the beloved annual event.
COLAB: BARCELONA—Barcelona coffee writer Brodie Vissers recounts the uber popular event that brought the Spanish coffee community together for intensive education.
CAT CAFES OF QUALITY—Cat cafes have come a long way; they’re no longer just novelty acts with bad coffee. Some of the most progressive in the business share their secrets of success.

… and much more!

Remember, you can read it right now, for free online HERE, or download the entire issue to your mobile device using Barista Mag’s free app, HERE!

We hope you guys enjoy this issue of Barista Magazine as much as we loved putting it together for you. Happy reading!

About baristamagazine 2254 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.