WBC Countdown: Barista Champion of Puerto Rico Mariarosa Gómez


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Barista Mag:  Please tell us about yourself.

Mariarosa: Before I became a barista, I studied education in chemistry at the University of Puerto Rico, in order  to be a teacher and this knowledge helped me a lot. Currently besides  being a barista, I own my coffee shop, and because I have studied to become a pastry chef,  I have been able to integrate the two disciplines. this was my first year competing. It was a huge surprise and a great achievement to win and have the opportunity to represent my country in this global competition. I hope to take this experience and turn it into one of growth and learning.


(Please note: we are publishing as much or as little information as was submitted by the baristas. Hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk more with Mariarosa in Melbourne, so we can tell you all about her!)

About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.

1 Comment

  1. Orgullosa de que una joven nos represente. Mariarosa apenas con 23 años ya tenía, junto a su hermano, Josemiguel, su propia tienda: Ristreto Caffe. Madre de 2 niños, estudiante, esposa, apasionada del café. Mariarosa se destaca por su compromiso, respeto al trabajo, calidad de lo que hace y vende y pasión por la vida y su tierra. Aún viniendo de una isla pequeña y con una condición política de dependencia, sentir que sale una barista a representarnos dignamente nos confirma la patria. ¡Cómo se siente su abuelo quien cultivaba café para consumo propio; cómo nos sentimos sus padras cuando vemos que los jóvenes toman el país en sus manos y desarrollan su independencia económica; cómo se sienten los puertorriqueños cuando alguien dignamente los representa.

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