We’re big fans of Patrick Burns and his Canyon, Texas, outfit Palace Coffee. Patrick is a total go-getter. He organized and developed a latte art throw down series for his local coffee community, and worked with Dalla Corte’s Skip Finley and Sevan Istanboulian to get the inaugural U.S. Latte Art Championship off the ground.

Now he has something new up his sleeve, and if we know Patrick, it’s gonna be great. But first, he has to fund it.
In creating a community space for coffee and locals in Amarillo, Texas, Patrick aims to not only make a new outlet for great coffee (he works primarily with Evocation Roasters but also features rotating guest roasters), but a gathering space that can be part of the community’s core. He wants to build in the city’s historic Paramount building on Polk Street.

Why is Patrick the perfect person for the job? If you don’t take our word for it (we featured Patrick in our “10 Minutes With” series of profiles on industry leaders), check out what USA Today had to say about Palace Coffee, and keep in mind that Palace placed second at Coffee Fest’s recent America’s Best Coffeehouse Competition.
Check out Patrick’s Kickstarter campaign here. Specialty coffee is all about community, so let’s come together to help a brother out.