Already bursting at the proverbial seams, Let’s Talk Coffee’s educational offerings are set to be even more substantial for the upcoming annual event. Hosted by Sustainable Harvest, the green-coffee importer headquartered in Portland, Ore., Let’s Talk Coffee (LTC) famously brings together growers, roasters, agronomists, lending agents, importers, exporters, baristas, and more. Every link on the extended coffee supply chain is represented at LTC, which this year will be held in Panama, October 9 “12.
(Registration is still open but will close soon ”go HERE for details!)
For the first time in LTC’s 13 years, the world of cocoa is set to be explored with the conference-within-a-conference, Let’s Talk Cocoa, held in partnership with Catholic Relief Services and social investor Oikocredit. According to Chris Ryan of Sustainable Harvest, Let’s Talk Cocoa aims to connect cocoa farmers with the global market by bringing together cocoa farmers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders for a series of workshops focused on cocoa production in Latin America.

Attendees to LTC will have full access to all Let’s Talk Cocoa sessions, which will cover topics including understanding the cocoa market, implementing post-harvest practices to increase cocoa quality and consistency, and establishing a common cocoa taste language.

“With diseases like coffee leaf rust making it harder than ever for farmers to make a living from coffee, Sustainable Harvest was asked by its partners like Catholic Relief Services and social investor Oikocredit to help collaboratively explore diversification, and cocoa is an obvious choice in Latin America, says David Griswold, Sustainable Harvest founder. œWe’re excited to do this in-depth through the inaugural Let’s Talk Cocoa ”a subset of the Let’s Talk Coffee global event ”not only to give our farmers another income option, but also to bring our Relationship Coffee Model of transparency, reinvestment, and innovation to the specialty cocoa industry.”

For more information about Let’s Talk Cocoa, go HERE.
For information about Let’s Talk Coffee, including speakers, schedule, and special events, go HERE.