Australia’s Single Origin Part of International Gelato Championship-Winning Team!

The winning gelato, Mandorla Affogato. (Hang on ”I have to get a towel to wipe the drool off my keyboard...)

Barista Magazine has had some happy encounters with gelato recently ”Publisher Kenneth Olson attended SIGEP in Rimini, Italy, in January of this year to report on the coffee portion of the show. But as SIGEP is a giant gelato conference first and foremost, he had the pleasure of living off of ice cream for three days. We also featured a story here on our blog recently about the delicious trend of specialty-coffee roasters teaming up with ice cream purveyors to create spectacular coffee ice creams and gelatos.

So we were stoked for our friends at Single Origin Roasters in Sydney, Australia, when the coffee ice cream collaboration they did with gelateria Cow and The Moon, won the World Gelato Championship title at the Italian competition this month! How awesome is that?

The Cow and The Moon team from Sydney, Australia, beat out prominent Italian gelato masters to win the World Gelato Championship title with a confection made with coffee from Single Origin in Australia.
The Cow and The Moon team from Sydney, Australia, beat out prominent Italian gelato masters to win the World Gelato Championship title with a confection made with coffee from Single Origin in Australia.

The winning gelato was a coffee-infused Mandorla Affogato that feature Single Origin’s Kigwandi AB Kenya in espresso form, mixed with salted caramel sauce which is then folder into Madagascan vanilla gelato. Kigwandi AB Kenya is also used to create the toffee praline that is folded throughout the gelato.

The winning gelato, Mandorla Affogato. (Hang on ”I have to get a towel to wipe the drool off my keyboard...)
The winning gelato, Mandorla Affogato. (Hang on ”I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard…)

Single Origin’s coffee buyer, Wendy De Jong, and head roaster, Edward Strachan, decided on this coffee for the gelato project because they wanted a coffee that would hold its own and burst through the many other rich flavors. “Bright, bold, and complex was key,” Wendy said.

In fact, Wendy and Edward, along with Cow and The Moon quality controllers cupped and voted on three Kenyan lots to choose the best one for the job. The Kigwandi AB Kenya from Dormans took first place, followed by Kigwandi AA and Mirigi PB.

QC teams from Single Origin and Cow and the Moon cupped three outstanding Kenyan coffees to determine the one that would shine best in the gelato.
QC teams from Single Origin and Cow and the Moon cupped three outstanding Kenyan coffees to determine the one that would shine best in the gelato.

But they weren’t finished.

The three coffees were roasted for espresso evaluation and tasted when paired with the salted caramel sauce. Again, Kigwandi AB Kenya was the winner.

In Rimini for the championship, the team worked with a local cafe that was kind enough to let them use their La Marzocco Linea and Mahlkönig grinder to pull 11 liters of fresh coffee, a process that took about 5 hours. Obviously, when they took first place the next day in the final round, the work had been worth it.

Cow and The Moon owner John Crowl in Rimini pulling shots for the final round of the World Gelato Championship.
Cow and The Moon owner John Crowl in Rimini pulling shots for the final round of the World Gelato Championship.

Back home in Sydney, Single Origin Roasters is busy roasting batches of the coffee for more of the championship-winning gelato. For more information, visit


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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.