Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway โ€œ June 19 Edition

Happy Humpday, everyone! We’re that much closer to the weekend, and that means it’s time to celebrate by answering a little Barista Magazine trivia in hopes of winning a great big prize!

Holy grinder! One lucky player will win this awesome Encore grinder from Baratza for this week's Humpday Giveaway!
Holy grinder! One lucky player will win this awesome Encore grinder from Baratza for this week’s Humpday Giveaway!

Our friends at Baratza have thrown a totally awesome Encore grinder into the mix, and it will be shipped from the factory as soon as we determine a winner tomorrow!

The cool guys at Prima made this little vid about how an Encore is used…

You know how to play, but I’ll review the rules just in case:

1. Try to figure out the answer to the trivia question listed below. (Hint! It can be found in the current issue of Barista Magazine!)
2. Type your answer into the comments section on this blog below.
3. Include your first and last names so we can identify you!

Not too difficult, I hope! Everyone who gets the answer correct will have their name entered into a drawing, and tomorrow morning, we will fish one lucky name out to determine who wins this awesome grinder! Thanks, Baratza!

OK, now for the trivia question…

If you use water that has iron in it to brew coffee, what color will the coffee be?

Think you know the answer? Then type it in (with your first and last names) below already!

Please note: Due to mailing restrictions, this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize can only be shipped to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway, folks!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. It’s usually dark-gray or black. Iron is plentiful in the water here in East Texas.

    Eric Matlock

  2. Hmm.. it appears that the coffee will turn a bit “greenish”. Interesting to learn. It is also interesting that the polyphenols in coffee– along with having many positive effects– also deplete some iron absorption in humans, but not by a lot. Again, you learn something new every day..

  3. Greenish, due to a combination of the iron in the water with the phenols in the coffee.

  4. Coffee prepared with iron levels as low as 10 milligrams per liter with turn the coffee “greenish” colors!
    You could call it Swamp Monster Coffee, not that anyone would want to drink it anyhow.

  5. Holy crap, this is a sweet prize.

    Water with iron makes yer coffee turn all green-y.

  6. it would be green. page 61 of the article ล“The Weight of Water ย

    thanks guys love your work!

  7. iron in water will produce a reddish brown colour but will turn green if you brew coffee with water that contains iron.

  8. Even with a low concentration, iron combines with phenols in the coffee to produce greenish colors.

  9. Per page 61 of the article “The Weight of Water” :

    Even with a low concentration, iron combines with phenols in the coffee to produce greenish colors.

  10. It will change to reddish, light brown color and it is depended how much iron in it (ppm).

    thanks Baratza~ ^^


    Joseph Lo ^~^

  11. A “greenish” hue, as you state. And an especially ugly greenish hue says me.

  12. It turns the coffee a really dark shade of green, that almost appears black. So when you pour it you will see the green.

  13. It turns into a greenish color due to the mixture of the iron and the coffee phenols

  14. It sure says Greenish ๐Ÿ™‚

    But I must say, Green-blue color in water is normally due to Copper, not Iron. Iron should be responsible for Reddish-Black colors.

    Hรฉctor Caballero

  15. it can combine with the phenols in the coffee to produce “greenish” colors

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