It’s Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway – October 14, 2015 Edition – Our Recurring Trivia Contest for Fun and Prizes!
Yeah, it’s been awhile, but we’re back with a brand new, mid-October edition of Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway!
What brings it about? Well a couple of things. One, we have a new issue out: October + November 2015. You can read the whole thing online here, or order a hardcopy through our online store here.
So that’s one thing.
The other is we’ve got some new schwag that we want to share with our readers!

This week’s winners will receive their choice of BMag snap-back hat and a one-year subscription (or renewal for existing subscribers.) And that’s right, we said winners! Just because we’re feeling generous and want to share our schwag far and wide, we’re going to go ahead and have three, yes, three! winners this week! We’ll select two winners in the U.S., and one international winner! Woot!

So are you ready to play Humpday Giveaway? You remember how we play, right? Let’s review the rules and get to the question.
Humpday Giveaway Rules:
”Answer the trivia question by referencing our latest issue, October + November 2015. You can read it online for free here!
”Leave YOUR ANSWER plus your FIRST and LAST NAMES, CITY and STATE as well as YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE, in the blog comments section.
”Answers may be submitted between 7 a.m. PDT on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 through 5 p.m PDT on Thursday, October 15, 2015.
”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select the winners, which will be announced on Friday, October 16, 2015 at 9 a.m. PDT right here on the Barista Magazine blog.
Ready to get to the game? Here goes!
Humpday Giveaway Question: According to the article “Machine Head” how often should group-head gaskets and screens be replaced?
Think you know the answer? Type it into the comments section below, along with your first and last names, city, state, and your country of residence .
Thanks for playing everyone!
So be sure to come back on Friday to check and see if you won! And thanks for reading the Barista Magazine blog!
Every three months or sooner deepening on how busy the cafe is
You should replace the group-head gaskets every 3 months, (more frequently for very busy cafes), and replace the group-head screens every 3 months and whenever the screws start to get stripped and hard to remove. Also replace the screen once it is torn or warped.
Stacey Wallace
Philadelphia, PA
Every 3 months for group head gaskets, more frequently for busier cafés.
Every 3 months for screens and whenever the screws start to get stripped and are hard to remove.
Matt Bray
Newington, Kent
At the least, they gaskets and screens should be changed every three months. Stripped screws and other damaged screen should be replaced immediately. Busy cafes should change their screens and gaskets more often!
Brian Vann
Holbrook, NY
Replace both the gaskets and the screens every three months. Stripped screws? Replace. Damaged or warped screen? Replace. Serving literally tons of people? Feel free to replace as needed.
Tim Grayson
Denver, CO
United States of America
Both group gaskets and screens should be replaced every 3 months. In the case of higher volume shops or if you notice wear, replace sooner.
Robin Myers
Columbus, Ohio
Every three months or sooner depending on how busy a cafe is, or if stripping begins to happen with screws for the screens.
Samuel Wilson
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
United States
Group head gaskets should be replaced every three months, more frequently for very busy cafes.
Group head screens should also be replaced every three months and whenever the screws get stripped and hard to remove.
George Pardalis
Anavyssos, Attica.
Every 3 months or sooner!
Angie Smith
Fennville, MI USA
Group-heads need to be replaced every 3 months all depending on how much volume the cafe receives. Screens must be replaced every 3 months or if screws are stripped.
Thank you,
Sam Brandvein
Seattle, WA
Gaskets should be replaced every three months, and more frequently for very busy cafés. Screens should be replaced every three months and whenever the screws start to get stripped and become hard to remove.
Patrick Chen
Cupertino, CA USA
Group-head gaskets should be replaced every three months, and more frequently for very busy cafés.
Group-head screens should also be replaced every three months, and whenever the screws start to get stripped and become hard to remove.
Lydia Helms
Barcelona, Catalonia
Every three months for gaskets, more frequently for busier cafés. Every three months for screens and whenever the screws start to get stripped and hard to remove.
Joseph Jang
La Palma, CA USA
Every three months or sooner depending on volume of business as well as whenever the screws begin to strip.
Cody Alan Decker
Manteno, IL USA
Every three months or sooner depending on volume of business as well as whenever the screws begin to strip.
Robbie Melton
Nashville, TN USA
Every three months and whenever the screws start to get stripped.
Ed Placencia
Lancaster PA USA
3 months or sooner depending on traffic and condition of the screws.
Jessica Keenan
Fort Worth, TX