Hey guys! Happy Humpday! Have we got a treat for you this week! See, we understand how the winter blahs may be setting in ”the holidays are definitely over, and there’s nothing but winter ahead. So we thought we’d have a spectacular prize this week to lift your spirits.
Were this a Choose Your Own Adventure story, I would now talk about this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize to those of you who are stoked that it’s January 15! Probably because the Big Eastern Barista Competition is taking place this weekend in Durham, North Carolina. So all you want to do is make coffee all day long and just live and breathe coffee coffee coffee.
Heck, it doesn’t matter WHO you are, or WHAT mood you’re in ”you’re gonna flip for this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize.

Say whaaaa? That’s right, folks ”the wonderful people at Baratza are going to set one of you U.S. residents up with your very own Baratza Encore grinder! It’s a heckuva Humpday prize, don’t you think?
In case you’re not familiar with this stellar, beloved grinder, check out this vid from the nice people at Prima:
Seriously, guys ”this is way amazing. The Encore retails for around $130, and let me tell you from experience, cause we have one here at Barista Mag HQ, it is worth every penny and then some.
Here’s the skinny on the Encore:
The Encore is lauded by coffee experts as THE go-to entry level grinder for those brewing coffee at home. The Encore gives a great grind for drip/manual brew and also grinds fine enough for espresso.
Featuring 40 individual grind settings, from fine to coarse, the Encore can please any palate with its gamut of accurate and repeatable grind settings. The Encore has an accurate medium to coarse grind for the increasingly popular manual brew methods such as pour-over, Aeropress, Siphon and Chemex. The specially designed burrs give a precise grind with minimal fines for a flavorful, balanced extraction when making espresso.
And, of course, the Encore is built with the quality Baratza parts you’ve come to trust. The efficient DC motor keeps your beans cool, even during extended grind times, while a combination of electric and gear speed reducers slow the burr to 450 RPM, ensuring a smooth bean feed and reducing noise, heat and static buildup.
Beyond a great coffee-drinking experience, the Encore makes for a great coffee-making experience. A convenient, front-mounted pulse button makes it easy to grind on demand into your brew basket. Whether you are looking for an espresso grinder or a grinder to help you explore that extensive range of brew methods, the Encore is a great all around home grinder.
AND A NOTE TO THOSE OF YOU NOT IN THE UNITED STATES, AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE TO WIN THE GRINDER: We gotcha covered! We’re going to pick a name from those of you who enter from countries outside of the U.S. to win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine! That’s a $60 value!
I know, I know you’re sick of us talking. Let’s get to the contest already! OK, before I give you the trivia question, let’s review the rules for Humpday Giveaway:
Humpday Giveaway Rules
”Answer the trivia question by referencing the current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going HERE.
”Leave your answer plus your FIRST and LAST names, as well as your country of residence, in the blog comments section.
”Answers may be submitted between 7 a.m. PST on Wednesday, January 15, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PST on Thursday, January 16, 2014.
”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select a name, which will be announced on Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 10 a.m. PST right here on the Barista Magazine blog.
OK, ready to play? Here we go ¦
QUESTION: How does Johanna Wechselberger use IKEA’s children’s 10-piece coffee and tea set at the Vienna School of Coffee?
Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below! Unsure? Then check out the issue online for no charge by going HERE!
Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway! And remember to check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!
She uses the cups to serve 1 ounce ristretto shots.
Monika Danowska
Poland, Warsaw
She serves her ristretto (15-20ml liquid plus crema) at her shop.
Marcin Jary
Q: How does Johanna Wechselberger use IKEA’s children’s 10-piece coffee and tea set at the Vienna School of Coffee?
A: For serving 1oz ristrettos.
She serves 1 oz. ristrettos with them.
Cool article!
she serves 1 0z ristretto shots in them.
Janae Scott
luquillo Puerto Rico
She uses the 1 oz children’s tea cup to serve ristrettos when her school is open as a coffee shop.
One ounce ristretto shots.
Matt Wong USA
She uses the small size to teach about ristretto shots. The cups are not big enough to hold the last overextracted part of the shot.
Jason Link
She uses the cups to serve 1 ounce ristretto shots.
Stacey Goldberg
She uses them to serve ristrettos.
Oddly enough, I’d just been thinking about getting that set for my daughter…
Kevin Wallace
to serve ristrettos!!!!
current issue is great!
san francisco
She uses them to serve 1 oz ristrettos
Hyunah Lee
1oz cups. They are from IKEA. She uses them to serve ristretto shots.
Haden Fabert, Pennsylvania
She uses the 1 ounce cups from Ikea to serve ristretto shots.
Thomas Debray,
She serves ristretto shots in the 1 ounce cups from IKEA
She uses them to serve 1 oz ristrettos.
Johanna uses the IKEA cups to pull 1oz shots (including crema), which counters the more common lungo, which is overextracted and overpulled.
She uses them to serve 1oz ristrettos in.
Jessica Halliday
New Zealand
She serves 1 oz. ristrettos with them.
Clay Leedy
Oregon, USA
She uses the IKEA cups to serve 1 oz ristretto – 15-20 ml liquid including the crema, which is perfect for the ristretto that she is brewing
Hanife Ozyurt
Ä°stanbul, Turkey
She uses the IKEA cups to serve 1 oz ristretto – 15-20 ml liquid including the crema, which is perfect for the ristretto that she is brewing.
Barış Pekkip
Ä°stanbul – TURKEY
Johanna Wechselberger uses the 10 piece coffee and tea sets to visually show and teach what espresso consists of and that ordering a lungo is asking for a bitter, watery and over-extracted cup of espresso.
Andreas Nielsen
Minnesota, USA
She uses them to serve 1oz ristrettos. I’d considered this as well– <3 IKEA!
Jen Green
1oz ristrettos!!!
Teaching folks about extraction.
Mateo de la Torre
She uses them to serve her 1 oz. ristrettos with the purpose of creating a better understanding of extraction.
Bobby Keller
Johanna Wechselberger uses them to serve one ounce ristretto shots!
For her ristretto as she teaches people about extraction (the cups hold one ounce, including crema, which is perfect for her demonstration).
Donna Robertson
United States
She serves ristretto shots in them!
Lubbock, TX
To serve 1 oz espresso!
She uses them to serve 1 oz ristretto shots!
Chris Chin
They’re the perfect size for her to serve ristrettos in!
Helena Shanks, USA
She uses them to serve 1-oz. ristretto shots. Fun!
Thanks much, –Joshua Viau (USA)
She uses them to serve 1oz ristrettos .
Nate Friend
She stated the cup set from the children’s department at IKEA are perfect for her ristretto!
Benjamin Toalston
She uses them to pour 1oz ristrettos as a learning tool for proper extraction.
Elizabeth Hays, USA
She uses them for her ristrettos–each cup holds just an ounce so they help teach proper extraction.
Amy Schrecengost, USA
She uses them for 1 oz ristrettos at her shop.
Brandon Spencer
Lexington, KY USA
She serves 1oz ristrettos in these fancy things!
Hans Hochstedler
She uses the IKEA coffee cup set (each one holds 1 oz.) to serve RISTRETTOS (15-20 ml. of liquid plus crema) at the Vienna School of Coffee during Saturdays.
Giovanni Guevara, CHILE.
Serving Ristrettos!
Amanda Darling, USA
She uses them serve her 1 oz. ristretto shots.
Jess Harmon
Ypsilanti, MI, USA
She pulls 15-20ml (~1oz) ristretto into the IKEA cups, allowing a tasting comparison between a properly extracted and over-extracted shot.
Briseida Pagador
Brooklyn, NY
She serves her ristretto (15-20ml liquid plus crema) at her shop.
Eric Berrong , USA
She uses them to serve ristrettos.
Bryan Kegley
My sources tell me that the ikea cups are used to serve 1 oz. ristrettos.
Kevin Wilson, USA
Johanna serves 15-20 mL of ristretto shots in 1oz IKEA’s cup at school.
[pick me 🙂 ]
Budi Prasetyo
Indonesia – Jakarta
They are the perfect size for her ristretto’s!
Matthew Daks
She uses them to serve 1 ounce ristretto shots!
Jackie Hilliard
She uses the cups to serve 1 ounce ristretto shots.
She uses them to serve 1oz ristrettos .
Taryn Peake
One ounce ristrettos 🙂
Sophia Pan
Johanna uses the Ikea cups to pull ristrettos, helping people learn that lungos are over extracted shots.
Marie Cullinan
She used to serve 1oz. Ristrettos.
Eduardo Rodriguez
Monterrey, Mexico
One ounce ristretto shots, yo.
Also, as an aside- the picture that has been showing up next to my name every time I play hump day giveaway is of my dad(?????)
Willi Sheller
Seattle, USA
She serves ristretto shots in the 1 ounce cups from Ikea.
Kevin Foth
She uses them to serve 1 oz ristrettos
Jakub Chwieduk
She uses it to serve Ristrettos so people don’t see all that extra space in the cup and think they’re getting a better deal by ordering a Lungo.
Alex Mohr
She serves her 1oz ristretto shots in them!
See Ya!
Michal Stec, Czech republic
Johanna uses the IKEA children’s cups to serve 1 oz ristrettos.
Chris Toutain
She serves Ristretto shots using the ikea set.
Curtis Lu, Seattle, WA, U.S.A.
She uses them to serve her 1oz ristrettos.
Rashel Winn, Ireland
Johanna uses the coffee cups to serve ristrettos, the perfect 1 ounce size.
She uses them to serve ristrettos.
Johanna uses the IKEA children’s cups for her ristrettos (1 oz)
Marco Angelo Acero – Canada
Johanna uses the IKEA children’s cups for her ristrettos (1 oz)
Rose Pacubas – Canada
ahhhh….to serve a perfect 1 oz ristretto shot…
She uses those cups to serve 1 oz ristretto shots in!
Zachary Cote
The tea cups 1 oz. size is perfect for serving ristrettos!
Talia Velasquez
She says they are the perfect size to make 1oz ristrettos.
Adam Kornegay
Johanna uses the coffee cups to serve ristrettos, 1 ounce
Joey Jacobson
Baltimore, MD
Seth Mills
She uses the small cups to serve 1oz ristrettos.
She uses it to serve 1oz ristretti!
Johanna Wechselberger serves. 1oz. Ristretto shots using the children’s ikea set.
Jamie Ferguson
Sarasota, FL – USA
She uses them in educating about extraction time. She serves 1 oz ristrettos in them.
Cameron Mulvey
To serve ristrettos to her customers. She wants to demonstrate the difference in long and short pulls.
Michelle Eaton: USA
She uses them for serving ristretto shots.
Julie Yost: USA
She uses the ikea cups for ristrettos. 1 oz.
Melissa Sitton. USA
To serve 1oz ristrettos, demonstrating taste distinctions in shot lengths.
Brian Wiseman: USA
She uses them for 1oz ristrettos.
Kevin Morgan: USA
Johanna Wechselberger uses the IKEA coffee and tea set she dicovered in the kid’s section, to serve 15-20ml ristrettos.
Olympia. WA – USA
Johanna Wechselberger uses the IKEA coffee and tea set she dicovered in the kid’s section, to serve 15-20ml ristrettos.
To serve 1oz ristretto shots.
Su Eng Tan
She uses the ikea cups to serve 1 oz ristrettos in.
Erica Brown: USA
1oz cups used to demonstrate taste differences between short & long shots.
Whit Rose
Paul Yates, USA
She uses the cups to demonstrate the bitterness at the end of a lungo extraction by splitting the shots.
To serve 1oz ristretto shots.
Chuk-Yang Seng
Johanna uses the ikea children’s cups to hold ristretto shots. The cups don’t hold the last 10mL of a shot. She then uses these sweet little 20mL shots of joy to teach ristretto to a lungo country.
Joshua Read
To serve the 1 oz ristrettos.
Kaycee Owens USA
She uses them to serve her 1 oz ristrettos.
Jay Haynes~ USA
Johanna uses them for 1 oz ristretto shots.
Kevin Merrill, USA.
To show the perfect ristretto. 1 OZ
Hope Wiseman USA
She uses them for 1oz ristretto espresso shots.
Todd Goldsworthy
Los Angeles, CA, USA!!!
She uses them to demonstrate her 1oz ristrettos.
Johanna uses these awesome IKEA coffee cups to serve 1 oz. ristrettos!! Very smart!
Nick from Pennsylvania, USA
She uses the Ikea kit to showcase a 1oz ristretto espresso, as a contrast to larger lungo shots.
Erika Vonie, Philadelphia PA
She uses the cups for Ristretto pulls and lets it be a background piece her coffee community get togethers.
Christopher Plemmons
She uses it to pull ristretto shots, 1 oz. My favorite article of this issue! God I hope I win, sheesh.
Johanna Wechselberger uses the kiddie coffee cups from Ikea to serve 1 oz. ristrettos
Lui Selorio
Johanna Wechselberger uses the IKEA coffee and tea set to serve 15-20ml ristrettos.
The competition this weekend is the Big Eastern 😉
She’s using the cups to pull ristretto shots
Johanna uses the IKEA children’s cups for her ristrettos (1 oz)
D. Robert Wolcheck
Oops USA, NH specifically. 🙂
Johanna uses the coffee cups to serve ristrettos, 1 ounce
Johanna uses the coffee cups to serve ristrettos, the perfect 1 ounce size!
Johanna uses the coffee cups to serve ristrettos
Sarah Hovar, USA
Johanna Wechselberger uses the little children coffee cups from ikea to pull 1 oz ristretto shots.
Jonathan De Troye, USA.
Johanna Wechselberger uses the kiddie coffee cups from Ikea as an instructional tool to serve ristretto extractions at just 1 oz, enough for the espresso and crema, not enough for the bitter and diluted stuff of towards the end of the popular lungo extraction. Genius.
Kate Gilmore
She uses them to show people her ristrettos. They are the perfect size (1 ounce).
Johanna uses the tiny cups to hold 15-20ml ristrettos in an effort to help ween her customers off over-extracted lungos.
Matt Boone
She serves. 1oz. Ristretto shots in the ikea set.
Shane Anderson, Dayton, OH. U.S.A.