Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #32 (October 2, 2013 Edition)

Happy Humpday, y’all! Can you believe it’s already October? We hope you’re ringing in the fall season the same way we are: with the brand-new issue of Barista Magazine! All of the Humpday Giveaway trivia questions from now through November will come from this issue ”the October+November 2013 issue ”so we hope you study up! And even if you don’t have a subscription to the print magazine, you can always read it for free online on our website ”that’s right: every single page of the issue for you to read free online! Just click HERE!

So we hope you’re having a great week, friends. We’re gearing up for Coffee Fest Seattle this weekend ”it should be terrific! Fall always reminds us of two things: Coffee Fest Seattle, and the oncoming barista competition season!

That’s why this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize is so killer ”it’s all about barista competition! Our friends at Prima are setting one of you guys up good with this amazing prize:  a full set (1.9oz, 2.5oz, 5.1oz, 6.1oz, 8.8oz, 11.8oz) of Ancap colored cups in the color of your choice (orange,  teal, or  black). The super-nice Matt Gaylon of Prima says he’ll even switch out any sizes for two of any size if the winner wants. How nice is that??

The winner of this week's Humpday Giveaway gets a full set of Ancap cups from Ancap-USA. SO GENEROUS of Ancap and Prima!
The winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway gets a full set of Ancap cups from Ancap-USA. SO GENEROUS of Ancap and Prima!
Ancap cups are widely used in barista competitions, as well as at top cafes around the world. Ancap-USA is one of the very best outlets for baristas to go for high-quality porcelain cups.
The winner of this week's Humpday Giveaway can choose the color of his/her set of Ancap cups: Teal, like above; orange, as shown here...
The winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway can choose the color of his/her set of Ancap cups: Teal, like above; orange, as shown here…
Or sexy black!
Or sexy black!
That’s one hell of a prize, right? So let’s get playing!
One thing to note: we hope our out-of-USA readers will still play this week, but they’ll be playing for a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine (a $60 value!). The Ancap cups are only available to folks playing with U.S. addresses.
One of the international folks playing this week will win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine! That's a $60 value for people with foreign addresses! If you already have a subscription, you can gift this one to a friend, or tack an extra year onto your existing subscription!
One of the international folks playing this week will win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine! That’s a $60 value for people with foreign addresses! If you already have a subscription, you can gift this one to a friend, or tack an extra year onto your existing subscription!
Before we get started, let’s run down the Humpday Giveaway rules one more time…
Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave your answer plus your  FIRST and LAST names, as well as  your country of residence, into the blog comments section.

”Answers may be submitted between  7 a.m. PDT on Wednesday through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select one name, which will be announced on Thursday at 10 a.m. PDT right here on the Barista Magazine blog.

OK, ready to play? Here we go ¦

QUESTION:  A brand-new issue of  Barista Magazine came out yesterday ”the October+November 2013 issue. The lovely lady on the cover is the Brewer’s Cup Champion of what country?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below! Unsure? Then check out the issue online for no charge by going HERE! Just click on the Barista Magazine digital link!

Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway, folks! And let’s give it up in a  BIG WAY for our generous friends at Prima and Ancap-USA for this amazing, valuable, and totally timely prize!


Follow Ancap-USA on Twitter at @AncapUSA. And if you have any questions about Ancap cups, or want to place an order, just call:  877.745.8869


About baristamagazine 2251 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. As mentioned in the October-November issue of Barista Magazine, Brewers Cup Champion, Asli Yaman, who is the young lady featured on the cover of this issue, is originally from Turkey, but works out of a shop called Soyuz Coffee Roasting, which is in fact, located in Kaliningrad Russia.
    My name is Donny Morrison, and thank you for taking the time to read my answer!

  2. Asli Yaman entered and won the Turkish Brewers Cup Championship in 2013. She is from Turkey and has a Russian career.

    Dennis Sullivan

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