Finally! We thought we’d never get to Humpday this week ”that’s because summer’s over and a busy fall is starting, which means either Ken or Sarah is out of the office most all of the time at a conference, competition, or event. So it’s extra busy around our office! We assume you guys out there in coffee land are pretty busy, too ”which is why celebrating Humpday is extra important!

And celebrate, we are, with a big prize this week: Our friends at Baratza are hooking the winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway up with a beautiful Encore grinder! Folks, this grinder is so awesome. Check out the sweet little vid Prima made about how it works:
This Ãœber-precise and hard working grinder retails for $129 ”but one of you out there is going to win one! This week’s competition is only open to folks with a U.S. mailing address. BUT for all of you outside the U.S., please play anyway, because one of you is going to win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine, which we’ll send to you anywhere in the world!
So let’s review:
¢ We’ll have a U.S. winner who gets a brand new Baratza Encore grinder
¢ We’ll have an international winner who gets a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine
Let’s real quick review the rules, guys, and then we’ll get to the trivia question:
Humpday Giveaway Rules
”Answer the trivia question by referencing the current issue of Barista Magazine. If you don’t have a copy, you can look at the whole issue for free online by going HERE.
”Leave your answer plus your FIRST and LAST names, as well as your country of residence, into the blog comments section.
”Answers may be submitted between 7 a.m. PDT on Wednesday through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday.
”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select one name, which will be announced on Thursday at 10 a.m. PDT right here on the Barista Magazine blog.
OK, guys ”ready to play Humpday Giveaway? Let’s do it!
Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section of this very blog post now! You might win a Baratza Encore grinder tomorrow!
Yes, please.
Victor Delpierre over there in France
Kyle Freund, USA!!
Victor Delpierre from France
Dennis Sullivan – USA
Victor Delpierre from France!
Erika Vonie- USA
The champion is Victor Delpierre, France.
I am Palmar Hlodversson, Iceland. 😉
Victor Delpierre , France did an amazing job this summer!
Vala Stefánsdóttir
Victor Delpierre, France
Steven Latham, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Kuba Chwieduk, Poland
Hi, the winner was Victor Delpierre, from Cafés Richard, FRANCE.
My Name is Roland Sade, from UK
Victor Delpierre, France
Rob Fetter, USA
Victor Delpierre from France.
David Nuniz UAS
Victor Delpierre, France
Nicholas Nadel, United States of America
Victor Delpierre “ France
Marc Howard – UK
Victor Delpierre, France
Ricky Sutton, U.S.A.
Victor Delpierre, France
Rasmus Rygaard, USA
Victor Delpierre from France.
Joaquin Garcia – United States of America
Victor Delpierre, France
Cristian Rodriguez Siguatepeque Honduras (but I can give you an address in US and besides I ll open a coffee shop here in Honduras next november 😉
Victor Delpierre, France
Jen Green, Cambodia/USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Chris Chin, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Michael Bildstein, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Bobby Keller, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Kyle Erich Schulz, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Evan Crittenden, USA
Victor Delpierre , France
Corey Autobee, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Rhonnymi Liberte, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Helena Shanks, USA
Victor Delpierre , France
Dick Cheung , USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Steven Hernandez, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Kim Watson, USA
It was Victor Delpierre of France.
Tim Cox, Dallas , TX, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Imas Sumirat, indonesia
Victor Delpierre from France was the 2013 World Coffee in Good Spirits champion
Taryn Peake, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
David Laferrière, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Victor Delpierre , France
Paul Shoupe “ USA
Victor Delpierre – France
Joel Gargaro – USA
Victor Delpierre hailing from France
Stephanie Aviles, Brooklyn NY, USA.
Lukasz Mrowinski – Poland
Victor Delpierre, France
Dani Johnson, God Bless America
Victor Delpierre – France
Marco Angelo Acero – Canada
Victor Delpierre from France.
Jonathan De Troye, USA.
Victor Delpierre, France
Jill Jinorio, USA
Victor Delpierre – France
NIka Rodriguez – USA
Victor Delpierre from France!!
Ian Killea -USA
Victor Delpierre – France
Aaron Anderson – USA
Victor Delpierre : France
Rob Sackett – USA
Victor Delpierre from France
I am from USA
Victor Delpierre of France!
Talia Velasquez
Victor Delpierre from France
Alvaro Castro
El Salvador
Victor Delpierre “ France
Stacey Goldberg
Victor Delpierre, France
Lauren Johnson, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Lauren Johnson, USA
Victor Delpierre-France
Paul Johnson, USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Jiaan Rajabzadeh, USA
Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
Victor Delpierre! from France
Ana Mallozzi, Providence, RI
Victor Delpierre , France
Scott Baldwin. Seattle, WA
Victor Delpierre from France.
Nathan Friend USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Rachel Bebee, NE, USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Maciej Kamiński- Poland
Victor Delpierre from France
Lars Sorensen, Denmark
Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
Robin hansford, the robins nest, Elmira, Ontario, Canada.
Victor Delpierre “ France
Erica Koenig- USA
Victor Delpierre
Cafe Richard
Victor Delpierre – France
Åukasz Stachurski, Poland
Victor Delpierre, France
Nick Paruch, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Krzysztof Barabosz
♥Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
★ Heather Pavlik-Illinois, USA ♥
Victor Delpierre of France
Brian Grimes, Denver, Colorado
Victor Delpierre, France
Grégoire Vincent, Canada
Victor Delpierre “ France
Chad Coburn – Good ‘ol USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Steven Irwin
Victor Delpierre “ France
blake sager–usa
Victor Delpierre , France
Kyle Rees, U to the S to the A
Victor Delpierre; France
Dustin Fluke – USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Tim Jones – USA
Victor delpierre – France
Jaryne Ann Acero, Philippines
Victor Delpierre “ FRANCE
Su Eng Tan
Victor Delpierre, France
Chuk-Yang Seng
Victor Delpierre , France
Todd Kendall , USA!
Victor Delpierre “ FRANCE
Curtis Lu “ USA
Victor Delpierre – France
Noah Namowicz – USA
Cafe Imports
Victor Delpierre , France
Cabell – USA
Ps hi ken
Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
Victor Delpierre, France
Erica Brown, USA
Victor Delpierre , France
James Groff – Virginia, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Nicolas Wyseure, Belgium
Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
Thomas Debray – Germany (For the Baratza: If possible, I would pay for shipping…)
Victor delpierre-France
Cedric Parlade-MURRICA! (USA)
Victor Delpierre – France
Nick Paruch – USA
Victor Delpierre – FRANCE
Marie Cullinan – USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Roscoe Aquilo-Gordo : U.S.A.
Victor Delpierre, Cafés Richard, FRANCE
Samantha Joyce, SEATTLE WA USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Sarah Miller, USA
Victor Delpierre – france
Eric Berrong – USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Kyle Miller, USA
Victor Delpierre from France is the 2013 World Coffee in Good Spirits Champion
Andrew Freehauf, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Victor Delpierre – France
Victor Delpierre, FRANCE
Magda Van Dusen
Victor Delpierre “ France
Mark Christman “ USA
Victor Delpierre from France!
Nick Brenn
Victor Delpierre from France
Chloe Shepard
Victor Delpierre from France
Matthew Wright
Victor Delpierre “ France
Kermit Graber – USA
Victor Delpierre “ Dude’s from France
Victor Delpierre of France.
Jay Haynes – USA.
Victor Delpierre of France
Lyndsay Kelly
Victor Delpierre “ France
Tyler Kelly
Texas, USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Michael— Louisville, KY
Victor Delpierre “ France
Clarissa Adams, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Jacob Archer USA Seattle WA
Victor Delpierre from France!
Janet Levine
Ithaca, NY
Victor Delpierre “ France
Submitted by Anthony Warnick and I live in Detroit, Michigan USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Octavio Castillo, USA
The champion of the World Coffee In Good Spirits event is…
Victor Delpierre of France
(Tony Acord, USA)
Victor Delpierre, from France!
Nathan Laux, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
(Megan Person, USA)
The answer is Victor Delpierre – France
Sarah Pascual, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
Jonathan Pascual, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
– Matt Hengeveld (‘Merica)
Victor Delpierre from France won.
-Ike Bubna (USA)
Sweet. Thanks for the opportunity!
It’s Victor Delpierre, of France
–Joshua Viau (USA)
Victor Delpierre, France
Harold McGovern
Brooklyn, USA
Victor Delpierre , France
Kaycee Owens
Louisville, KY USA!!!!
Victor Delpierre, France
Nick Parker, USA
Victor Delpierre from France
So says Adam Kornegay from USA.
Victor Delpierre
Steve Cochilla
Victor Delpierre
From France
Austin Amento, USA
Victor Delpierre, of France
Kate Fischer, USA
Victor Delpierre-France
Alyssa Bell, USA
World Coffee in Good Spirits Champion – Victor Delpierre from France
Donna Robertson, USA
Victor Delpierre, hailing from France.
(-Kathryn Belongia, United States)
Victor Delpierre, France
Bruce Burkhart, USA
Victor Delpierre “ France
Submitted by Lindsay Lee from the USA!
Victor Delpierre , from France
-Michael Butterworth
Louisville, KY, USA
Victor Delpierre, France
Victor Delpierre-France
Sarah Hovar, USA
Victor Delpierre – France
Rose Pacubas – Canada
Victor Delpierre – France
Jan Carlo Acero, Philippines
Victor Delpierre – France
Victor Delpierre from France
Virgil Hovar, USA