Intriguing New Brewer: The Immerset

Kickstarter’s the best, you know? How many awesome products have been born from brainiacs we never would have heard about were it not for this great funding site?

Introducing the Immerset.
Introducing the Immerset.

I was interested to learn about Chic Kelty’s project, the Immerset brewer. It’s like a V60 meets a Clever, but with more control. Check out what Chic has to say about it here in his video:

I also like this diagram that shows specifically what function each part in the Immerset has:


I’d be totally curious to try it ”I’m a die-hard pourover fan. So far, Chic has raised a little more than $5,000 of his $40,000 goal. Let’s see if we can help bring this brewer to market.

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  1. “Who’s that lady? Sexy Lady. Real fine lady, who’s that lady?” (Lyrics from Isley Brothers – and sooo appropriate.) Great lines, buxom lady.

  2. So happy to support a wonderful invention like the IMMERSET. Looking forward to controlling my pourover brewing in a manner that produces the coffee strength of my choice. Thank you Chic Kelty and IMMERSET!!

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