Kickstarter’s the best, you know? How many awesome products have been born from brainiacs we never would have heard about were it not for this great funding site?

I was interested to learn about Chic Kelty’s project, the Immerset brewer. It’s like a V60 meets a Clever, but with more control. Check out what Chic has to say about it here in his video:
I also like this diagram that shows specifically what function each part in the Immerset has:
I’d be totally curious to try it ”I’m a die-hard pourover fan. So far, Chic has raised a little more than $5,000 of his $40,000 goal. Let’s see if we can help bring this brewer to market.
“Who’s that lady? Sexy Lady. Real fine lady, who’s that lady?” (Lyrics from Isley Brothers – and sooo appropriate.) Great lines, buxom lady.
So happy to support a wonderful invention like the IMMERSET. Looking forward to controlling my pourover brewing in a manner that produces the coffee strength of my choice. Thank you Chic Kelty and IMMERSET!!