Humpday Giveaway Winner! – June 19 Edition

Wow! So I guess a few of you wanted to win this week’s prize. We had a record number of entries this week. Can’t imagine why. Oh wait, yes I can! It’s because we have a bitchen cool prize this week, that’s really off-the-charts in awesomeness! It’s a brand new Encore grinder from Baratza!

This week's prize! Who will claim it as theirs? Keep reading to find out!
This week’s prize! Who will claim it as theirs? Keep reading to find out!

So this week’s question was drawn from “The Weight of Water” by Cole McBride in the June + July 2013 issue of Barista Magazine. We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback about Cole’s work. It’s terrific to hear how informative so many of you thought his article was.

The question:  If you use water that has iron in it to brew coffee, what color will the coffee be?

And the answer: Green(ish!).

More than 150 of you got that right (and gave us your first and last names), so everyone’s names went into the hat, and we pulled out one winner.

Congratulations: MATTHEW WYGAL!

We hope you enjoy your new Encore grinder as much we have enjoyed ours here at BMag World HQ!

Didn’t win? Don’t worry! Wednesday’s only a week away! Come back and play Humpday Giveaway again! Next week’s prize is going to be awesome too! Here’s a hint:

Know where this is? Then you know where next week's prize is coming from!
Know where this is? Then you know where next week’s prize is coming from!
About baristamagazine 2192 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.

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