Coffee Fest & Helm Society Debut Virtual Coffee Business CEO Roundtable

Coffee Fest & Helm Society Debut Virtual Coffee Business CEO Roundtable

First-of-its-kind virtual community to address specific needs and interests of coffee business CEOs

CEO-focused conferences have been successful in a variety of forums, and seem to be gaining traction ”just look at the popularity of Coffee Fest’s seminar, “The Successful Coffeehouse,” which debuted as a day-long intensive course at Coffee Fest Chicago, as well as the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe’s new CEO-focused symposium, Re:co, which took place in Sweden in June. Coffeehouse owners and CEOs in other coffee professions are hungry  for discussion, advice, and trend information that is specifically designed for them.

But what if you don’t have the time or the means to attend these in-person events? With the new virtual roundtables being debuted in partnership with the Helm Society, Coffee Fest ”the leading retailer show in the United States ”has got you covered.

Coffee Fest & Helm Society Debut Virtual Coffee Business CEO Roundtable
Coffee Fest offers tons of seminars and hands-on workshops at its 3-times-per-year conferences and trade shows. In case you don’t have time to attend, however, the CEO Roundtable offers another way in on the most relevant information you need as a specialty-coffee business owner. Photo by Kelsie Raunio, Coffee Fest

According to Coffee Fest’s CEO  David Heilbrunn, the roundtables will be conducted each month and/or quarter by phone. David says this platform was designed to extend the Coffee Fest community beyond the physical shows (which take place three times a year) to offer beneficial interaction among attendees outside of the three days spent at a Coffee Fest. “We really wanted to create the place where the business owners that attend Coffee Fest can tune in between shows to learn, brainstorm, and solve business-related challenges.”

Coffee Fest & Helm Society Debut Virtual Coffee Business CEO Roundtable
If you do attend Coffee Fests regularly, the CEO Roundtable platform offers a great way to keep the conversation going. Photo by Kelsie Raunio, Coffee Fest  

Projected to be a solid coffee industry CEO “peer group,” roundtable participants will be joined by industry heavies such as David Morris of Dillanos Coffee Roasters, Melind John of Josuma Coffee, and David Heilbrunn himself, among others. Topics of the monthly virtual roundtables will cover everything from building your brand to scaling your business. And there will be plenty of resources for participants beyond the phone conferences, David says, with a Coffee Fest/Helm Society community present online any time, day or night.

“This network of professionals is designed to support anyone from roasters and manufacturers to cafe owners who will learn from their peers and interact with guest experts on an array of relevant and current business topics,” David says.

Dues to be a part of the Coffee Fest/Helm Society CEO community, which includes the quarterly roundtables, start at just $25.month, or $200/year. For more information, click HERE.

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