Brewing at Home and on the Road with Bayreesta

We talk to Amsterdam coffee professional Dávid Stefanik, also known as Bayreesta, about his coffee-brewing preferences.


Feature photo by Tyler Nix via Unsplash

For coffee professionals, brewing (and drinking) coffee is more than just a job. They usually brew coffee every day: for their customers, to check the roast profile, or to share a new recipe on social media.

Even when coffee pros aren’t working, it’s not difficult to find them brewing coffee at home, or drinking a cup in a reputable coffee shop. So what are their coffee habits when they’re relaxing at home? How do these habits change when they travel?

Dávid Stefanik, also known as Bayreesta, in a black and white photo. He is grinding beans with a handheld grinder at the beach. He wears a corduroy ball cap, has tattoos, glasses, and a short beard.
Brewing at the beach? You bet. With the right tools, you can brew anywhere.

Meet Dávid

Dávid Stefanik, also known as Bayreesta, is a barista originally from a small town in Slovakia. After spending four years in England, he recently moved to Amsterdam for work. In addition to his day job as a barista, he’s also a well-known Instagrammer, famous (among the rest) for being the founder of the #SwanWednesdayClub

I was intrigued to find out what Dávid’s coffee habits are when he’s at home resting. Does he brew every day even at home? Which is his favorite method? 

Dávid sips from a light blue ceramic cup, outside a brick building. He wears a denim apron and a backwards baseball cap.
A native of Slovakia, Dávid, also known as Bayreesta, now lives and works in Amsterdam.

“I love brewing coffee at home on my days off,” Dávid says, “and even if my favorite brewing method is the V60, I’m always trying to find new brewers so I can experiment a bit.”  

At the same time, Dávid confesses that he “absolutely (loves) going out for coffee and trying new coffee shops!” His coffee order is always changing. “Sometimes I’m craving a flat white or just some tasty espresso, some days the only thing I’m looking for is a tasty filtered coffee, maybe a delicious hand brew, or a freshly made batch brew. It all depends on what is offered as coffee. Luckily, there are so many specialty-coffee shops here in Amsterdam, and in the cities around it as well.” 

Dávid Stefanik's Hario V60 brewing on the beach. The device, on a glass carafe, sits on top of a coffee scale set on the sand. The background of sandy beach and blue sky is blurry.
Dávid’s favorite brewing method is the V60, which is light enough to transport anywhere.

Brewing at the Beach and Beyond

And one of Dávid’s guilty pleasures, when he’s not traveling and enjoying a perfect day off, is brewing coffee at the beach. He goes there with his favorite coffee tools and brews. 

Dávid often takes these same tools with him when he travels. “I always bring my coffee equipment when I visit my friends or family,” he says with a smile. “I do love them a lot, but I definitely don’t trust their coffee taste!” 

When Dávid is on the road, he loves to check out the specialty-coffee scene at his destination. He researches beforehand by looking online or asking other baristas for suggestions.

But Dávid can’t stay long without his brewing tools. 

“I don’t always bring my kit if I travel to the city, but I always take my brewing equipment and my own coffee beans when I go camping: The main three tools I bring with me are definitely the hand grinder, an AeroPress, and a scale.” 

Dávid Stefanik's travel kit includes coffee grounds inside a Comandante, two AeroPress filters. a scale, AeroPress, and a black electric kettle all sitting on a gray counter.
Dávid likes to travel with his coffee kit in case he can’t find specialty coffee where he’s going.

Dávid’s Travel Tips

After years of traveling this way, Dávid can share his suggestions regarding the best way to drink and brew coffee while traveling. 

“The best advice I can give to people is to do their research, finding specialty-coffee shops before arriving in a new city: There’s almost always at least one. And if you’re going to a place where (there) isn’t any specialty-coffee shop, go get some local coffee as a reminder of how good the specialty coffee tastes! And always bring your favorite brewing tools, so you can brew some tasty coffee in case of an emergency.” 

Dávid leaves us with one last piece of advice. 

“Also, remember, there’s nothing better than waking up at the campsite, grinding your favorite coffee, and brewing yourself a cuppa in the morning!” 


Tanya Nanetti (she/her) is a specialty-coffee barista, a traveler, and a dreamer. When she’s not behind the coffee machine (or visiting some hidden corner of the world), she’s busy writing for Coffee Insurrection, a website about specialty coffee that she’s creating along with her boyfriend.

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