We’re one day closer to the weekend, folks, and that means another edition of Humpday Giveaway has come to an end. So it’s a win-win, right? Not all of you will win the awesome Espresso Parts tshirt offered up as this week’s Humpday prize, but we’re all that much closer to Saturday, so everyone’s a winner! Hooray!

Thanks for stopping by our blog and playing this week, guys. There was a huge discrepancy between the number of you who VISITED the blog and the number of you who SUBMITTED ANSWERS. So I want to reassure you that you can win more than once! There are no rules against multiple winners in Humpday Giveaway. So if you thought you would hold out to play until we have another $500 prize up for grabs, don’t worry about it! You can win the little stuff and the big stuff ”we just want you to PLAY!
You guys totally dug on the Espresso Parts tshirt that was up for this week’s prize though, and one of you is gonna win it right now! This shirt isn’t even available to purchase yet — Espresso Parts will role them out in early November, along with several other all new and totally rad tshirt designs! So stay tuned for news about those!

OK, on to this week’s winner! Yesterday’s trivia question was…
QUESTION: According to Kenneth R. Olson’s Field Report about Brazil, what does SEBRAE stand for, and what does the organization do?
ANSWER: SEBRAE stands for Support Agency to Micro and Small Companies (SEBRAE is the acronym for the title in Portuguese). “Raquel Brasil of SEBRAE describes her organization as providing marketing and organizational support to small and medium enterprises in Brazil and helping find markets for their products abroad.”
Ken thinks I made the question too hard this week ”maybe so. But I was so excited about SEBRAE that I thought if you didn’t already know what it was, you should learn!
Anyway, let’s find out who the winner is! Espresso Parts is being generous enough to offer to mail the tshirt to a winner anywhere in the world! Thanks, Espresso Parts!
Once more we fired up the old computer, clicked over to Random.org, put everyone’s name in who got the answer (and provided the other required information, ie. first and last names and country of residence), and in a fraction of a second a winner was selected.
Congratulations to this week’s winner: Rashel Winn of Ireland!!
We’ll be in touch momentarily to find out the size, style, and address we need for our friends at Espresso Parts to get your prize right out to you.
For the rest of you, thanks for playing, and please come back and play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway again next week, and the week after that, and the week after that! See you soon!