First up, thanks everyone who played this week’s round of Humpday Giveaway! We’re all here to find out who the winner was, but we always got to thank everybody who plays Humpday. It’s become one of the most popular features on the BMag blog, and we know from this end that the midweek giveaway makes the whole week go by awfully quickly. We hope it’s the same for all of you!
This week we had a prize straight from BMag World HQ. In fact, we have two prizes to give away, and this week’s prize will ship to our lucky winners no matter where they live in the world. Let’s refresh what’s up for grabs this week. Why it’s the new BMag t-shirt featuring this little guy right here!

So we took all of the correct answers, fed the winners into our Random.org sequence generator and came out with two lucky winners!
And what was the question?
It was this: In Scott Conary’s Field Report from Rwanda in the October + November 2013 issue he says that in 2002, Rwanda had just two washing stations for coffee. According to Scott’s article, how many are there today?
And the answer? 210!
That’s an amazing increase, and we’re all lucky for it because we have access to more great Rwandan coffees than ever.
So onto it! Here are this week’s winners:
Congratulations to you both, Megan and Austin! We will email you shortly to get your details so we can send your new t-shirts out to you right away!
Thanks again to everyone who played, and remember to come back next week to play again. And check back to the BMag blog all week long for more news, stories and fun!