Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #66 (June 18, 2014 Edition)

… and we’re back! Hey thanks for following the BMag Blog last week as we covered the 2014 World Barista Championship from Rimini, Italy! We weren’t in the office, of course, last week, so we had to put Humpday Giveaway on hiatus, but not this week! No way! Not only are we back we brought something awesome from Italy with us!

Well actually they came to us from Ancap USA, but they were made in Italy! It’s a set of two ย Verona espresso demitasses ย and saucers from Ancap!

This week's prize straight from Italy (mostly!)
This week’s prize straight from Italy (mostly!)

These sweet white ceramic demitasses are beautiful, durable, and so damn desirable!

Fill these up with your awesome espresso!
Fill these up with your awesome espresso!

These cups deserve a great home, and we are happy to continue celebrating the global coffee community that was on display last week in Rimini, so we’ll send these anywhere in the world! Everyone is welcome to play this week’s Humpday Giveaway for this great prize!

Before we can play, however, we need to have our quick review of the rules (and then of course, we’ll need a question), so keep reading..

First up, here are the rules:

Humpday Giveaway Rules

โ€Answer the trivia question by referencing the ย current issue of Barista Magazine ย (June + July 2014). ย You can look at the whole issue for free online by going ย HERE.

โ€Leave ย YOUR ANSWER ย plus your ย FIRST and LAST NAMES, as well as ย YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE, in the blog comments section. ย 

โ€Answers may be submitted between ย 7 ย a.m. PDT on Wednesday, June 18, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday, June 19, 2014.

โ€The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and ย Barista Magazine ย will randomly select a ย winner, which will be announced on ย Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 10 a.m. PDT ย right here on the ย Barista Magazine ย blog.

Ok, so now the big question:

Who won the inaugural Coffee Fest World Latte Art Open Tokyo?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into ย the comments section ย below (along with ย your first and last names ย and ย country of residence)! And you’ll have a shot at winning this week’s prize!

Good luck and thanks for playing ย Barista Magazine หœs Humpday Giveaway!

About baristamagazine 2251 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. The winner was Junichi Yamaguchi. Thanks for the amazing giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚

    United States
    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

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