Welcome to the awesomest post of the week (well for someone anyway) where we announce the winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway!
And yes, the rest of us will all be jealous because this week’s winner will walk away with (or rather have shipped to them) this week’s prize pack direct to you via Melbourne, Australia and Portland, Oregon.

The winner will get a 250g container of Mork Chocolate’s Dark Milk & River Salt Specialty Hot Chocolate and a custom 135ml tulip cup from SIP imports!
First we have to review the question and then of course get the answer. Here’s the question we posed to you yesterday:
Question: What year did Piero Bambi conceive of and patent the double boiler for espresso machines?
Answer: 1970
So who’s our lucky winner? We put the names of all the people who got the answer correct into our random-selection software, and the winner was determined to be ¦
Congratulations, VIRGIL! We’ll be contacting you shortly via email so we can get your prize out to you!
Thanks to everyone for playing!
Come back next week for another round of Humpday Giveaway and as always visit the BMag blog daily for the latest news, events and people in coffee!
Thank You! I look forwarding to drinking some Mork Chocolate’s hot chocolate from my new tulip cups!