The title image reads, Ask a Technician. We get the answers.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Ask a Technician: Baratza

We ask Pierce Jens of Baratza what are some ways to make these home and café-grade grinders last forever. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE We’re asking coffee equipment manufacturers of all sizes and styles what […]

Test Drive

Test Drive: The Puqpress

We tried out the Puqpress, billed as the world’s first automatic tamper BY KIARA TEASLEYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE Photos by Kiara Teasley Tamping is an essential step for crafting espresso, but precise tamping can be […]

A man pours coffee from a glass pitcher into a small cup for a festival attendee.

Recap: No Filter Coffee Fest

The largest coffee gathering in the Southeastern U.S. returned to Charlotte, N.C. to caffeinate the Carolinas. BY ZECHARIAH MOSSSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE Photography by Emily Moss  No Filter Coffee Fest, the largest coffee gathering in […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Andrew Gomez

We chat with the longtime coffee professional about his work in the industry. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Andrew Gomez A lot of people in coffee enter the world of specialty due […]

A closeup of the drip assist in the box.
Coffee Gear and Equipment

Test Drive: The Hario Drip Assist

Hario and 2013 World Barista Champ Pete Licata aim to create a solution to evening water dispersion with this handy new product. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos provided by Katrina Yentch It takes a […]