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Barista Nation

Barista Nation Texas, y’all! November 5

On the heels of Barista Nation’s super successful European debut in Paris a few weeks ago, comes Barista Nation Texas ”yeehaw! Barista Nation founder and head-hot-mama Anastasia Chovan says that registration was buzzing as soon […]

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Posts worth Reading

Twitter is a lot of fun, and a great way to share a lot of information. But that is also a downside. As the flow of information keeps rolling uninterrupted, it’s easy for worthwhile reading […]

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Why Marcus?

One of the most exciting aspects of Ken’s and my jobs as owners/editors/writers/lightbulb-changers/garbage-taker-outers/and-everything-in-between at Barista Magazine is discussing candidates for the cover of future issues. It’s also one of the most time consuming, as well […]