1st Crack: A Coffee Comic Strip (March 6, 2021)

Welcome back to 1st Crack, a coffee comic strip for weekend mornings, featuring a unique, illustrated look at life behind the bar.

1st Crack Coffee Comic March 6, 2021 Panel 1

You’re probably wondering, “Where’s the regular comic strip?” We understand. We look forward to the weekends and a new installment of 1st Crack too, so where is this week’s?

Well, Omri and Ashley have been hard at work on a kinda big project, and now we have some big news to share: Coming soon with the April + May 2021 issue of Barista Magazine, issue 1 of 2nd Crack!

Coming soon: 2nd Crack! the comic book for coffee professionals.

Subscribe today to Barista Magazine to make sure your get your own copy! Interested in stocking 2nd Crack in your café? Reach out to Omri here.

Read previous 1st Crack comics here.

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Omri Almagor lent his skills to companies such as Kees Van Der WestenDecent EspressoFaema, Terra Kaffe and others. He founded Del Creatives as an outlet for innovative people from the coffee world to join resources and produce fantastic coffee works – covering mechanical and extraction engineering, product and brand design, writing, and social activity. He lives in Milan, Italy, with his partner, a fashion and art writer, and son.

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Ashley Wong is an illustrator and video editor based in Detroit, Michigan. She likes traveling, drinking coffee, and eating chocolate chip cookies.

About baristamagazine 2192 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.