Winners of Humpday Giveaway!

These three folks win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine! (Michal, we have your email address, but could the other two winners please email us at with your address so we can get your subscription rolling?)
Thanks to everyone who played this week’s BMag Humpday Giveaway contest! These three folks win a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine! (Michal, we have your email address, but could the other two winners please email us at with your address so we can get your subscription rolling?)

Thanks to everyone who played this week’s BMag Humpday Giveaway contest! All 24 people who submitted the correct answer to us via Twitter, Facebook, email, or on this very blog, had their names entered into the Official Humpday Giveaway Drawing Vessel (i.e. Ken’s Portland Trail Blazers hat), and we drew three winners of a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine!

The question was:


Answer: Barnes & Noble.

“It was awful,” Katie told Barista Magazine publisher Kenneth Olson, who wrote the feature about Katie for the February/March issue. “They put me on a semi-auto with no training. I’m sure it was the worst customer service.”

Katie soon left that job for a barista gig at Nick Cho’s murky coffee, where she met fellow coffee professionals who are her best friends to this day.

Stay tuned for the next BMag Humpday Giveaway Contest! Our friends at Prima and Espresso Parts will be throwing prizes into the mix in the coming weeks. You never know what’ll be up for grabs! But you do know that answers to Humpday Giveaway questions can usually be found in the pages of the current issue of Barista Magazine!

About baristamagazine 2192 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.