I love it when people email me with cool, one-of-a-kind stories about something strange and wonderful they did to enhance their experience as a coffee pro. This one’s from Brian Franklin of DoubleShot Coffee Company out of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Hey Barista Magazine people:
Jason (my employee) and I were in Colombia in December. We spent a few days in Concordia, which is an amazingly beautiful place. I picked up a piece of a stumped coffee tree and jammed it in my backpack to bring home. Slipped through customs with it and shipped it to Reg Barber. He carved three tamper handles out of it for us, which are fantastic. They are really beautiful. I was just back in Concordia last week with Isaiah (different employee), and we really had a good time and made some headway in learning more about coffee. Pretty exciting.
I hope all is well with you.

Thanks for the story and the awesome photo, Brian! And for all you readers out there, be sure to send me your crazy, inventive and original stories and photos (sarah@baristamagazine.com), so I can post them for all the coffee world to see.