What We’ve Been Up To, Moscow Edition

The stories are too over-the-top, too amazing to believe unless I show you in photos. You have to believe me. We meander from the nightclub style Soyuz Coffee Roasting stand in the center of Red Square, to the VIP tent for snacks and vodka. We watch gymnasts ride 4 horses at once, galloping through stands of thousands of Russian onlookers. We eat at some of the finest restaurants in the world. We dance and laugh, we toast and learn Russian traditions. We fall into bed at the end of exhaustive nights stretching into the morning. We eat caviar filled blinis for breakfast with stunning cappuccinos. And then we do it again the next day. Here are some shots from the last day and a half in Moscow…

Koffein, where Russian Barista Champion Olga works, welcomed us to their amazing space.
Our Champion barista team, at the Soyuz Coffee stand in Red Square. From left: Pete (USA); Alejandro (El Salvador); Monika (Slovakia); Stefanos (Greece); Javier (Spain), Olga (Russia); Francesco (Italy).
Pete and Francesco take a turns autographing the coffee books Soyuz produced for gifts.

Grrr… my internet connection is very slow! Please check out Barista Magazine’s Facebook page for the rest of these awesome photos!


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