WCE Sponsors for WBrC, WCIGS & WLAC Announced

WCE sponsors
Christian Ullrich from Germany is the 2014 World Latte Art Champion

WCE Sponsors announced for a whole host of championships

The World Coffee Events organization announced its qualified sponsors for the World Brewers Cup, Latte Art, Coffee in Good Spirits, Cup Tasters, and Coffee Roasting Championships for the three-year cycle from 2015 though 2017 today.

These WCE sponsors follow the announcement last month of the new World Barista Championship sponsors for the same time frame.

WCE Sponsors
Chiara Bergonzi of Italy competes in the World Latte Art Championship held in Melbourne, Australia last year.

Here’s the information from the press release:

The WCE  sponsors for the 2015 – 2017 competition season are:

 World Brewers Cup:

  • Water Filtration: Purity Water Filters by BRITA
  • Cleaning Products: Cafetto

World Coffee in Good Spirits:

World Cup Tasters Championship:

World Latte Art Championship:

  • Espresso Machine: Plus4You by CMA Astoria
  • Espresso Grinder: SP450 ON DEMAND by Anfim  
  • Cleaning Products:  Tevo MAXI ® Espresso Machine Tablets by Cafetto

World Coffee Roasting Championship:  

  • Cleaning Products: Cafetto

“Each of these companies shares a strong commitment to advance specialty coffee by creating outstanding products,” said Cindy Ludviksen, World Coffee Events Managing Director.  “We are honored to work together with them for these next 3 years to pursue our common goal of promoting coffee excellence worldwide.”

 The 2015 World Brewers Cup, World Cup Tasters Championship, World Latte Art Championship, World Coffee In Good Spirits, and World Coffee Roasting Championship will take place at the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe‘s Nordic World of Coffee Event in Gothenburg, Sweden June 16-18, 2015.

For more information, visit the World Coffee Events website at http://www.worldcoffeeevents.org.

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