TNTs to Take Over New England ”Every. Damn. Month.

Let’s hear it for Emeran Langmaid, owner of A&E Coffee Roastery and Tea in New Hampshire! I met Emeran in Providence, Rhode Island, at the MANE Conference a couple of weeks ago when she introduced herself to me and asked for assistance in making the monthly TNTs she was planning to organize successful. MONTHLY? I asked. That’s a lot to take on. But Emeran is up to the task, and to that I say Wow and also How can Barista Magazine support you?

Baristas and coffee professionals from anywhere and everywhere are invited to the TNT in New Hampshire this Thursday.
Baristas and coffee professionals from anywhere and everywhere are invited to the TNT in New Hampshire this Thursday.

The first of the monthly events will be held at A&E Coffee Roastery and Tea in Amherst, New Hampshire, this Thursday night at 8 p.m. Since she anticipates a lot of people coming out who are more curious about latte art than expert, she wisely plans to offer a lesson in latte art pouring at 8 p.m., which folks can participate in before signing up to pour at 9 p.m.

It’s $5 to buy in, and all proceeds will go to Coffee Kids. How cool is that?

Dan from D Squared in Exeter, New Hampshire, won the last TNT.
Dan from D Squared in Exeter, New Hampshire, won the last TNT.

“The goal, like most TNTs, is to build up the barista community in the area and promte the craft,” says Emeran. “We reached out to the entire state and are getting responses from cafes two hours away. We hope to rotate the event between several cafes across the state, and have lined up D Squared in Exeter for November.

“In addition to the traditional Latte Art Throwdown, we plan on incorporating a taste competition with espresso and pourovers, as well as schedule a few roundtable discussions.”

About Sarah 935 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.