We couldn’t be more excited to roll out the 10th anniversary issue of Barista Magazine today, which features the awesome Tim Wendelboe on the cover. We put together a ton of fun stuff for this very special issue, including visits with former Barista Magazine cover stars, facts and figures on how our industry has changed over the past decade, features about topics that didn’t exist 10 years ago, like how can you start your own coffee club or barista guild, and exploring where women in our community are today compared to 10 years ago.

We also feature a long and amazing interview with Mr. Wendelboe, in which he shares what he’s learned over the course of his remarkable coffee career thus far, from winning the WBC, to opening his now-famous cafe and roastery, to starting an importing business, and buying a coffee farm.
Every page of this very special issue is available to read online for free right now! Subscribers, this collector’s edition is on its way to you right now, and those of you who want a copy but aren’t subscribers, well, there’s no time like the present ”subscribe here!