I’m busy busy busy with packing up to leave for London tomorrow ”I’m going to report on the World Barista Championship, for which Barista Magazine is the official media sponsor. As such, we created the official WBC Event Program, which we’ll be distributing to anyone and everyone at the competition.

For those of you who will be following along with the WBC from home, be sure to click over to Barista Magazine’s homepage starting Monday to download a copy of the WBC program. Content includes photos and bios of every competitor, information on the competition format, a profile of outgoing WBC Champ, Gwilym Davies of the UK, and much, much more!
And as is tradition, I will be updating this here blog, Pasteboard, throughout the WBC, with photos and snippets of what’s going on in an up-to-the-minute format! I’ll also be posting tons of photos to Barista Magazine’s Facebook page, so if you’re not already a fan, please go sign on!
OK, now I must get back to putting all my liquids in tiny plastic bags. See you in London!