Let’s Talk Coffee Panama Begins Tomorrow!

I am so excited to head to Panama today for Let’s Talk Coffee, which is Sustainable Harvest’s annual gathering of coffee producers, roasters, buyers, bankers, importers, exporters, baristas, and coffee lovers from all walks of life. Even though there are a staggering number of coffee events, shows, and conferences around the world, there is nothing like Let’s Talk Coffee. It brings people together in a way no other conference has been able to, with an intimacy, an intensity, and a joy for putting together relationships that last.

David Griswold, left, is the founder of Sustainable Harvest and Let's Talk Coffee.
David Griswold, left, is the founder of Sustainable Harvest and Let’s Talk Coffee.

I haven’t been to Let’s Talk Coffee for a few years, but Ken ”Barista Magazine’s publisher ”has been more recently, and he reports that it has only gotten better and better. The premise is simple: Bring these far-flung would-be partners together ”producers from Guatemala, roasters from Washington, baristas from Australia ”give them a setting that is conducive to real, substantive conversations, and watch them make coffee business happen.

Our hotel in Panama. Fancy a poolside meeting, anyone?
Our hotel in Panama. Fancy a poolside meeting, anyone?

I love seeing thousands  of people who love coffee at bigger events like SCAA, but I never have time to really talk to them. Let’s Talk Coffee gives attendees not just an opportunity to make connections, but  many  such opportunities. It all happens this year from tomorrow through October 12.

Let's Talk Coffee brings together some of the industry's most relevant thinkers and doers.
Let’s Talk Coffee brings together some of the industry’s most relevant thinkers and doers.

Of course, there are workshops and discussions about the most pertinent trends and trials going on at all time; Sustainable Harvest’s David Griswold and his staff do a remarkable job at bringing together such esteemed speakers as Pierre Ferrari, the president and CEO of Heifer International,  Ken Davids of Coffee Review, Phil Beattie of Dillanos, Michael Sheridan,  Director of Borderlands Coffee Project from Catholic Relief Services, and loads more.

One of the highlights of Let's Talk Coffee is Sevan's Grill: Sevan Istanbulion organizes a cook-out each year wherein roasters cook dinner for producer partners. It's an unforgettable experience.
One of the highlights of Let’s Talk Coffee is Sevan’s Grill: Sevan Istanbulion organizes a cook-out each year wherein roasters cook dinner for producer partners. It’s an unforgettable experience.

You can check out the complete program for Let’s Talk Coffee HERE. Read all about the speakers HERE. And don’t forget to come back right  here,  to Barista Magazine’s blog, for up-to-the-minute reports from the event. Also, you can follow the fun and education on Barista Magazine’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

And just so you know, I’m not leaving Panama without getting Dr. Aaron Davis’ autograph.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.