La Marzocco Home Grinder: Collaboration with Mazzer

La Marzocco USA announced today the release of the Lux D grinder, designed to accompany the La Marzocco Home line.

I had the pleasure of spending the day at La Marzocco’s lab and offices in Seattle in September, getting an up-close early look at all the components of the La Marzocco Home line from its head of operations, Scott Callender. Scott explained that he and the rest of the team at La Marzocco USA felt it was critical that the GS/3 ”which is the heart of the La Marzocco Home line ”have a grinder up to par on a luxury and professional level as that quintessential home machine.

The Lux D grinder has the perfect combination of size, speed, and design to create an un-compromised espresso experience at home,” Scott told me today in an interview.

The Lux D grinder in the La Marzocco Home line "features On Demand Dosing that combines the funnel from the Mazzer E grinders with a portafilter grind activation button that sits behind the forks for easy dosing and weighing with a scale. It comes in three finishes, Black, White and Metallic Silver making it the ideal grinder to pair up with a custom GS/3," Scott Callender of La Marzocco USA said today in an interview.
The Lux D grinder in the La Marzocco Home line “features On Demand Dosing that combines the funnel from the Mazzer E grinders with a portafilter grind activation button that sits behind the forks for easy dosing and weighing with a scale. It comes in three finishes, Black, White and Metallic Silver making it the ideal grinder to pair up with a custom GS/3,” Scott Callender of La Marzocco USA said today in an interview.

Built in collaboration with Mazzer, the Lux D grinder takes the best parts of the E grinder, but makes it more use friendly for the home barista. The Lux has the same funnel as the E grinder, but the home barista uses a portafilter button to activate the grind. That button sits behind the forks. This gives the home barista the same control and movement as a cafe barista, so he can grind directly into the portafilter basket and weigh the dose.

The Lux D features 61 mm flat burrs that grind 18 grams of coffee in 10 seconds. The Mazzer Mini in comparison grinds 18 grams of coffee in 25 to 30 seconds.

The short Mazzer hopper included on the Lux D holds 1/3 pounds of coffee. The grinder’s total height is 18.75 inches, which fits under most standard kitchen cabinet heights in the United States. As the GS/3 in the La Marzocco Home line is available in a variety of finishes, so is the Lux D. Customers may choose silver, white, or black for their custom Lux D grinders.

“We are super excited about this grinder!” Scott says. Well, Scott, so are we.

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