Win $1,000 for you, and $1,000 for your charity of choice.
The barista community loves Pacific Foods for so many reasons: Of course the Pacific Foods Barista Series ensemble of products—which includes the SCA Best New Product Award-winning Oat, Soy, Rice, Coconut, Almond, and the latest to the lineup, Hemp (as well as Unsweetened Almond and Soy Vanilla)—are widespread favorites for working baristas everywhere due to how superbly they steam and taste. But Pacific Foods Barista Series is beloved because of how the team behind it cares for the barista community, as well as the coffee industry in general.
Pacific Barista Series has rallied for baristas more than any other organization by sponsoring barista competitions both financially and personally, taking individuals and teams under their wing for training and assistance, assembling a kick-ass team of ambassadors to spread the word—and the products—far and wide, and lending support to community events, throwdowns, and gatherings far and wide.

In fact, Pacific Foods was set to be the Title Sponsor of this year’s Specialty Coffee Expo, which was slated to take place in Portland, Ore., Pacific’s hometown. Of course, we all know what happened: Expo was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and along with it the countless plans for side events, special contests, educational opportunities, and parties that Pacific and a virtual army of volunteers had been planning for months on end.
But Pacific hasn’t gone anywhere, friends—in fact, they’ve been working around the clock to continue to support the community in all sorts of creative ways (for example, have you seen The Barista League: Online TV show, which is produced thanks to exclusive support from Pacific Barista Series? If not, you totally have to!).

With the global movement raising awareness for racial equality and a demand for social justice through Black Lives Matter protests and demonstrations, there has never been a better time for an opportunity like the one Pacific Foods Barista Series is presenting to the coffee community now: A chance to win $1,000 for yourself (which could come in handy for the many baristas facing financial hardships caused by the economic fallout from COVID-19), as well as $1,00 for any charity you choose. And considering the massive amount of work to do on behalf of social and racial justice, there are plenty of organizations that would benefit greatly from such a gift.
Introducing the #baristaserieschallenge!
“In this incredibly difficult time, though we can’t come together in person, Pacific Foods Barista Series is using its Instagram @baristaseries to applaud you with a very special challenge—and we’re partnering with our friends at Barista Magazine to do it,” says Debra Kaminski, director of foodservice marketing for Pacific Foods.
We’re keeping it simple in order to get as many of you to participate as possible! Not only will your contributions help connect and empower one another when we can’t come together in person, but it will also afford you a chance to win the big prize: $1,000 for you and another $1,000 for your charity of choice!
All you have to do is post a photo of you making coffee to Instagram with the tag #baristaserieschallenge, and also follow @baristaseries if you aren’t already! The photo can be from a past competition, or in your café, or even brewing coffee at home. “We just want to see you doing what you love,” says Debra. (No wonder Debra is one of the treasured leaders in our coffee community!)
This contest runs now through 11:59 p.m. on July 31, 2020. Each week, Barista Magazine will post all #baristaserieschallenge photos to our Instagram @baristamagazine. And keep an eye on Pacific Foods Barista Series’ Instagram @baristaseries, too, as they’ll be celebrating you on that platform, as well!
• Choose any photo of you making coffee.
• Post it to Instagram with the hashtag #baristaserieschallenge.
• Follow @baristaseries on Instagram if you aren’t already.
• And that’s it! You’ll receive confirmation of your entry and be entered to win the cash for you and for your charity of choice.
We can’t wait to see your photos—we miss your faces! Thank you, Pacific Foods Barista Series, for such an incredible initiative and incentive to connect!