Humpday Giveaway Winner! (June 5 Edition)

Wow, you guys really liked Ben Jones’ handmade book! I mean, it’s no surprise that so many of you wrote in about how much you love this gorgeous, wood-and-paper journal, which is hand sewn and entirely conceived by Ben Jones, an educator for Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters. I’m having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I won’t get to have it on my desk anymore ”I have to send it off to its new owner.

The prize for this week's Humpday Giveaway is a large, handmade book from Ben Jones' Annotated Press. The book, which features thick paper and polished wood covers, is blank and ready for all your coffee notes and musings!
The prize for this week’s Humpday Giveaway is a large, handmade book from Ben Jones’ Annotated Press. The book, which features thick paper and polished wood covers, is blank and ready for all your coffee notes and musings!

Ben so generously gave us this book for us to offer up as this week’s prize for Humpday Giveaway ”it was so nice of him! If you don’t end up winning, you can always buy your own book on Ben’s Etsy site, you know…

OK, so on to the winner! We looked to our brand-spankin-new issue of Barista Magazine, which hit the street on June 1 and featured the dazzlingly handsome Stefanos Domatiotis of Greece on the cover. This week’s Humpday Giveaway question was:

How many times did Stefanos Domatiotis ”who appears on the cover of the June + July 2013 issue of Barista Magazine ”win the Greek Barista Championship?

Loads of you figured it out and submitted your answers to the comments section below. Thanks for playing! The answer is…

Six times!!

So we took the names of all the people who got the answer right, typed them out, cut them up, and put them in a mug. And the name we drew is….



Congratulations to you, TERIKA RAAK! I’m (sadly) putting this book in today’s mail to you. We hope you absolutely love it!

Thanks again to everyone who played, and come back next week to play Humpday Giveaway again!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.