That was another great round of Humpday Giveaway! And why wouldn’t it be with a chance to win a great prize pack of 2 mugs, a t-shirt and 2 bags of freaking awesome coffee from Verve! The Santa Cruz, Calif.-based coffee roaster generously donated this week’s prize pack and loads of you jumped at the opportunity to win.

The question we asked this week was pretty straight foward, and with the actual events going on right now in Nice, France at the SCAE event, it should have been pretty easy to figure out the answer (even if you didn’t look in the June + July 2013 Issue of Barista Magazine!)
The question: Dalla Corte is the official espresso machine of two world championships being held at the SCAE event in Nice, France this week. Which two events are they?
And the answer: The World Coffee in Good Spirits and the World Latte Art Championships.
Many of you answered correctly, and every one of you that did (plus gave us first and last names) got your names put in the mug. And we drew out the name of the winner, and it’s BRETT HANSON!
Congratulations, and we hope know that you’ll love your Verve prize pack! (And if you didn’t win, well you can always snag all of those goodies yourselves from the Verve website.)
Thanks to everyone for playing, and don’t forget to check back next Wednesday for another edition of Humpday Giveway!