Pretty cool coverage for Bikes to Rwanda. It’s a segment from MTV on the ping pong tournament for BTR at Ritual. Click on the image below to see the video or follow this link: http://think.mtv.com/044FDFFFF0098A132001700990CF8/
Pretty cool coverage for Bikes to Rwanda. It’s a segment from MTV on the ping pong tournament for BTR at Ritual. Click on the image below to see the video or follow this link: http://think.mtv.com/044FDFFFF0098A132001700990CF8/
Please excuse this late last post on the Bikes to Rwanda road-trip Clara and I just completed. I last posted on Thursday, July 10, at which point we had reached Temple Coffee in Sacramento and […]
The Bay Area is suffering from smoke inhalation. Since Clara and I have spent a large part of this Bikes to Rwanda road trip along the coast of Northern California, we only really started seeing […]
Long story short: the Barefoot folk throw a damn fine BBQ. They wore me out so I crashed early, but Clara kept going. A true champ. So we woke up at the leisurely hour of […]
We do! We’ve been doing a LOT of driving, oftentimes with some pretty crazy and random directions (thank you, Google maps). I haven’t blogged since yesterday — Monday — morning, when we were getting out […]
Bikes to Rwanda/Barista Magazine Road Trip Days #2 and #3: Excuse me for not blogging yesterday but there’s barely cell service in Mendocino/Fort Bragg, much less Internet, but the views make it more than worth […]
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