Alright! Here we go! It’s Thursday, 10am PST which means it’s time for our Humpday Giveaway winner to be revealed!
This week we had an awesome prize up for grabs from the great folks at Blue Bottle Coffee. It’s Blue Bottle’s Small Lots Selection Tube!

Here’s the description from Blue Bottle’s website:
We brought together three of the most sought-after coffees in the world for this limited edition offering. The Mexico La Cañada COE is a dense and caramel-sweet breakfast coffee, perfect with pancakes and bacon. The Tres Limites, from El Salvador, is boisterously grapey, with a syrupy body and hues of Cherry Coke. And the Kemgin, which won a Good Food Award back in 2011, erupts with ginger and honeydew.
They’re all together in this Small Lot Selections postal tube, which is illustrated (and, in our opinion, supremely giftable). Inside, you’ll find a coaster with detailed preparation guidelines to help tease out these coffees’ best qualities.
Ok, so we know what’s going to the lucky winner, and we’re about to find out who that person is, but first let’s review our trivia question from yesterday.
QUESTION: What does IBG stand for (referencing one of the articles in the Pull section)?
Iranian Barista Guild!
Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of first and last names plus country of residence)!
We put everyone who got it right in the pool, selected one at random, and voilá! We’ve got a winner, and it’s KATHY TURIANO!!!!!
Congratulations, KATHY! We’ll be contacting you shortly by email for your mailing address so I can get this awesome coffee book in the mail to you right away!
Thanks again to everyone who entered, and if you didn’t win this week, don’t fret! There’s more Humpday to play in the coming year, but we will be taking a bit of break between now and then. Next Wednesday is Christmas Day and the following one is New Year’s Day, and though we don’t shut down BMag HQ for many days in the year, we do for those two.
Never fear though, we will be back with a brand new Humpday Giveaway with great prizes for 2014 beginning on January 8! In the meantime come back to the BMag blog and you’ll still find new, fun and informative content right on through the rest of December and into January.