We made it to Thursday ”that’s so awesome! Thanks to everyone who made the time fly by playing Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway yesterday! Are you ready to find out who will win the amazing prize?

We offered up this very, very cool book on coffee authored by some of the best authorities in the industry ”this book sells for almost $50, but one of you is going to win a copy!
First let’s review our trivia question from yesterday.
QUESTION: What is the name of the coffee farm in Puerto Rico where 15 Italian baristas spent a week working for the Barista & Farmer coffee reality project?
Hacienda San Pedro
Great job to everyone who entered and gave the correct answer (and of course included the required information of first and last names plus country of residence)!
We put everyone who got it right in the pool, and then one person was determined to be the winner: MICHAEL LOSADA OF COLOMBIA, COME ON DOWN!
Congratulations, MICHAEL! We’ll be contacting you shortly by email for your mailing address so I can get this awesome coffee book in the mail to you right away!
Thanks again to everyone who entered, and if you didn’t win this week, don’t fret! Next Wednesday, and another round of Humpday Giveaway, is closer than you think!