BMag Back Atcha! Week of June 10 – 16

Welcome to Barista Magazine’s weekly blog-in-review post! BMag Back Atcha is our catchall post we put up every Sunday so you can see all of the week’s posts and catch up on any you missed.

Once again we had a pretty busy week on the blog.

It started on Monday with a post on the speakers who will be featured at LaMarzocco‘s Out of the Box event in Milan during Host in October.
La Marzocco Out of The Box Milan: Speakers!

Then there was a story and interview with MadCap Coffee‘s Ryan Knapp about his company’s new micro-varietal lots where they are trying something really new to help educate their customers about the difference in taste that is found in different varieties of coffees. (Also they’re using really cool packaging!)
Exploring Varietals on an Uber-Micro Scale

With the SCAE event coming up in just a few days, we had an interview with 3FE Coffee owner, Irish Barista Champion, December + January 2013 BMag Cover Profile, and co-founder of Tamper Tantrum, Colin Harmon, about what’s on the docket for TT at Nice.
Tamper Tantrum Live From France! Interview with Colin Harmon, Speaker Schedule, and More

Today is Father’s Day in the US, and to get you prepared, Sarah Allen, had a long story about great gift ideas for coffee-obsessed dads. (And if you didn’t get them for Father’s Day, hey, they’d be great gifts any time!)
Father’s Day Gift Guide for Coffee-Obsessed Dads

Then on Wednesday as always, to celebrate reaching the middle of the week, we played another round of Humpday Giveaway with a Hario V60 and ceramic travel mug up for grabs.
Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway “ June 12 Edition

Again focusing on the upcoming SCAE event in Nice, France, Sarah declared it French Coffee Month and had a post about the growing and vibrant coffee scene in the country with a number of suggestions for cafes to visit in Paris if you’re passing through.
Unofficial French Coffee Month

Truth Coffee in Cape Town, South Africa has awesome, new compostable to go cups. You toss them in the compost (or your flower bed) and ingrained seeds sprout and begin to grow anew! How cool is that?
Truth Coffee in Cape Town Finds a Creative Way to Compost

Another event during the SCAE confab in Nice is a cupping with famed coffee grower Aida Batlle hosted by Cafe Imports. You can read about it (and make reservations) here:
Look out, France: Aida’s Coming

With more information about the Out of the Box event in Milan in October, La Marzocco released the topics to be discussed and presented at it which includes lessons from industrial design, art and music!  Coffee To Collide with Industrial Design, Fine Art, Music, & More at La Marzocco Out of the Box Milan in October

Finally, we had an interview with Daniel Thompson of Buttondown Photography who produced many of the gorgeous latte art photos in the June + July 2013 issue of Barista Magazine.
A Photographer Who Understands Coffee

And that’s it! Another week in the books and another week we can say how lucky and thankful we are to work in such a cool, innovative, and fun world as coffee!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.