BMag Back Atcha “ Week of August 12-18, 2013

Hello everybody and welcome to another Sunday installment of the Barista Magazine Blog week-in-review post we call BMag Back Atcha!

The week’s high-water mark on the blog was no doubt Humpday Giveaway, when an awesome ROK Espresso Maker  was up for grabs. More players than ever before entered the contest as the excitement for the machine from Importika was obvious. But that’s not all we had on the blog this week, so if you missed anything, we’re going to run through all the stories right here, right now!

We kicked off Monday with a great post from guest writer Emily McIntyre from the LAB in Kansas City, Mo., with her look at women coffee roasters. It’s a really great post to find out more about some of the ladies in the industry who are doing great work in a male-dominated profession.
Celebrating Women Coffee Roasters

On Tuesday was had a post previewing the Humpday prize, the very cool, transportable, stylish and beautiful aforementioned ROK Espresso Maker. Really, if you haven’t seen it, you’ve got to check this thing out!
Meet the ROK, Tomorrow’s Amazing Humpday Giveaway Prize

Of course that brought us to Wednesday, and on Wednesday we make it’s like camel-milk lattes around here, all about the Humps! Yes, it was an epic round of Humpday Giveaway with the ROK going to the winner.
Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #25 (August 14, 2013 Edition)

Then we had a preview of the upcoming Barista Nation LA next month. Last year’s version was hot! (like 110-plus hot) But despite the heat, it was still a most excellent time with loads of education, equipment, coffee (duh!), food, drinks, and more. This year’s promises to be just as good (and maybe even a little cooler.) If you’re in the greater Los Angeles-area you should totally make plans to come! If you’re not in the area, you should come anyway!
It’s Gonna Be A Bangin’ Barista Nation L.A.!

Following that (and of course the announcement of the Humpday winner) we had another preview post of the Moscow Coffee and Tea Expo which will be held in the first week of October in the Russian metropolis and will feature some very cool lectures, classes and exhibits, not to mention some of the best minds (and barista skills) in the industry with the Coffee Education League from Nuova Simonelli.
Explaining the Vision for the Moscow Coffee and Tea Expo

Finally on Saturday we had a story out of New York via Melbourne about a new café opened by Aussie transplants who wanted to recreate some of the awesome café menus and experiences from their hometown. Reading about it makes us hungry and thirsty and ready to be back in Melbourne (or NYC!)
We Heart New Cafés: Meet Bluestone Lane in NYC

That wrapped up another busy week here on the BMag blog. We hope you enjoyed it! Check back all this week for more coffee news, events, great prizes, and whatever else we think up!

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.